@Red Wings de Détroit

Steve Yzerman discute du splash des Red Wings en agence libre

Le vice-président exécutif et directeur général des Red Wings, Steve Yzerman, s’entretient avec les médias jeudi après-midi pour discuter des récentes signatures d’agence libre des Red Wings et de la conclusion du camp de développement.


  1. I find it funny there are wings fans calling yzerman a failure already because the team hasn't won a cup in the first 4 years of him being our gm or that we didn't make the playoffs yet.

  2. What an awesome interview. Never once have I ever been worried about the direction of this team. Not only do we as fans see the positive outlook, but the free agents speak openly and freely about knowing Detroit is on the rise, and they want to be apart of it. LGRW

  3. Here’s how I hope the lineup looks:

    Bertuzzi – Larkin – Raymond
    Vrana – Copp – Zadina/Kubalik
    Zadina/Kubalik – Suter/Fabbri – Perron
    Sundqvist – Rasmussen – Erne/Smith

    Chiarot – Seider
    Maata/Edvinsson – Hronek
    Walman/Osterle – Lindstrom


    Obviously you can move guys up and down the line-up, Vrana on the 1st line, Perron can move up, Kasper could get a few games in, Veleno is available…lots of exciting options!

  4. I believe this season the Wings are going to be a tad tough.
    Steve mentioned “character” a lot.
    Good character wins cups.

    I think Fabs might move to the 3rd line when he comes back and he tends to be injury prone unfortunately.
    Him on a line with Suter and Sunqvist is possible.

    Lots of options.
    Clearly Stevie is wanting bigger fellas out there, which I love.
    And they need.
    Any successful team has an edge and a few big talented bodies.

    Patty Maroon x 10

  5. Wings moves > Ottawas moves. Sens are the type to sign a bunch of great players and have them not be on the same page n stay at the bottom of the stands. Yzerman got the whole city watching again. We're gonna be close to the playoffs this year.

  6. Wings will be the most improved team in the NHL next year and that’s very exciting. They were on the playoff bubble for a good portion of last year…it’s going to a fun to watch

  7. Now it's up to Lalonde. Stevie Y has done his part in making the roster a capable playoff team, now we just need the coaching to push these guys to their potential. Especially if we can see Raymond and Seider take another big leap as well as seeing maybe Berggren step up and have a solid season then we will definitely see a playoff push. I'm also very excited to see Vrana have a full season to see him hopefully flourish.

  8. speaking of competing for roster spots, remember the "Black Aces"? Guys like Marty LaPointe and Matthew Dandeneault couldn't even get ice time and they were ALL solid pro hockey players….that….is what's coming, hopefully….

  9. Steve has waited until the younger guys have established a "culture" at practice….and how to compete during a grueling schedule…..we didn't compete on some nights last year..which is part of the reason for a coaching change….and there will be some players that were on the team last year…..that can't make it this year….because of culture.

  10. everybody just remembers the hall of famers on the wings championship teams….but signings like dallas drake, marty lapointe….draper, maltby, dandenault, kocur, Homer, and on & on….that's who stevie is hoping he just signed. Eventually, every red wing opponents run into on the ice, will be able to do damage in some way.

  11. Why can’t they upgrade the webcam and mic?
    It’s not that expensive or hard to do. If they insist on doing all of these interviews virtually let’s upgrade the equipment.

  12. Our conference and our division is now Murderers Row. There are no nights off, one team after the other is loaded with Talent. They had to keep up or they'd really fall behind. Now, the way the team sits as guys progress abd are ready they could be slotted in in the future while trying overall to keep at a certain level of hockey.

  13. Lol! What if the Wings win the Cup next year? I want to see it. Blow up the NHL

  14. f*ing love the man – as a player and now as a gm. just the absolut best in everything he does. smart and dedicated.

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