@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Les Penguins et la ligue honorent le 1 000e match de Crosby

Les Penguins de Pittsburgh organisent une présentation spéciale en l’honneur du 1 000e match du capitaine Sidney Crosby.


  1. I comment on every video I watch or you are reading this is means I watched this video , that is all. K bye .

  2. Well, he played 1000 games as a very very very skilled player…. And now he’s trying being a goon.

    Nah I’m kidding (not really) Crosby is and will always be known as the incredible player he is.

  3. The legend. Gretzky even said this guy was better than McDavid basically in front of McDavid.. for now anyway

  4. 1000 games played , 100 000 tears shed towards refs . 1200 plus embellishments. 3000 plus ignored penelties towards the Penguins.

  5. They all had to wear a mask 😷 for this. Then when the game start and they start breathing really hard they don't. Wtf.

  6. Such a shame an overhyped virus was the reason his family couldn't attend this legendary milestone of his career

  7. Sidney Crosby is the greatest role a model a child could have.

  8. Bro she walked along the edges to not step on the penguins logo 😭 she’s a keeper

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