@Canucks de Vancouver

JT doit apprendre à lire la pièce

Défendant son jeu bâclé: « Les deux derniers matchs, j’avais l’impression d’avoir très bien joué, mais je n’avais pas beaucoup de touches de rondelle. C’est donc un peu difficile de voir ce que je suppose du point de vue du boxscore. « Je suis dur avec moi-même. Je pense que je m’attends à un niveau de jeu élevé pour moi-même, et je sais que lorsque je joue à ce niveau, je donne à notre équipe une meilleure chance de gagner. Donc ** je ne vais pas changer. ** » Sur le truc avec Schenn : « Aucune offense, **ce ne sont pas vos affaires.** » Et maintenant : s’il avait une opinion sur les maillots des Canucks jetés sur la glace : « Je n’en ai pas eu après le jeu, et je n’en ai toujours pas. ** S’ils veulent jeter leur merde sur la glace, c’est à eux. ** « Ce type a-t-il reçu un coaching médiatique? Quelqu’un doit organiser [a session with Crash Davis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeVca9MwDX8&ab_channel=mcmillke). Ce genre de conversation ne sert à rien.



  1. Moose-555

    But he’s our ‘emotional’ player 😭, so it’s ok to not give a shit about how he is perceived, as long as he try’s… get that man a star sticker for effort ⭐️. I joke, as frustrated with this child as everyone else.

  2. CartoonistWeary3399

    He was already being booed every time he touched the puck in the final 10 of the 3rd. It was literally the first game at home since he signed the extension.

  3. mudermarshmallows

    He’s a fucking clown that we’re stuck with for way too long. At least Loui was self aware.

  4. AppropriateWalrus6

    As a PR professional, I’d love to offer Jimothy Timothy some media training.

  5. FrmrPresJamesTaylor

    >On the thing with Schenn: « No offence, it’s none of your business. »

    I have absolutely zero problem with this. I guess I’m supposed be mad about it since the team is playing like shit and WE DEMAND ANSWERS or whatever, but I am not.

  6. Sinochick

    It was just a few weeks ago Petey did that interview with Drance on The Athletic where he said this season he didn’t want to create any (negative) headlines…he was going to keep his head down and just work hard.

    Maybe JT should learn from Petey.

  7. NerdPunch

    If you make a Venn Diagram of people who were running Petey out of town last season, and people running JT out of town after 6 games.. *it would be one big circle*.

    Im getting dizzy watching so many people do 180’s these past 2 weeks…

  8. CrabBeanie

    I’m reading that in that machine-gun, all-consonants, no ritalin style of his. Got tired and started skimming and it just sped off and became « T-k-k-d-kkt-tkk-ttdd-ttkd-td-d-k-k-d-d-d–d »

  9. sailingdrumstick

    “I’m not going to change”

    Quit throwing your fucking hands up and sauntering off to the bench when a fucking shift doesn’t go your way, JT. Show the team and the fans that you are going to bear down and work harder when things aren’t going your way.

  10. nite_awol

    He’s straight up disrespecting the fans/franchise now. I wasn’t on team re-sign Miller, but welcomed him back with open arms when they re-signed him because I thought he really wanted to be here and he’s still a good player. But now after with this horrendous start and the quotes he’s been making, I am legitimately pissed at him, like it’s personal. We are stuck with this piece of shit for the foreseeable future and he looking lazier than he’s ever been, but this time he has an 8m dollar salary.

  11. TheAngryChickaD

    Guarantee all the people shitting on JT will do another 180 into the full 360 when he turns it on again.

  12. mediumyeet

    I have no issue with these responses. I’d much rather hear this than some PR pandering bs answer.

  13. Intersteller-2002

    I actually prefer that he show his true colours in the interview instead of saying some scripted bull crap like a robot. Although I don’t agree with what he said, makes him sound like the world revolves around him… a bit cocky for my tastes.

  14. Strong_Special_8924

    I love Miller and his approach to speaking. He’s not a politician.

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