@Capitals de Washington

Votre résumé hebdomadaire / r / caps pour la semaine du 17 octobre au 23 octobre

**Du lundi 17 octobre au dimanche 23 octobre** ###Top des vidéos | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 285 | [22 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/caps/comments/y6t8y4/been_a_while_missed_everybody_great_win_lets_keep/) | [Been a while! Missed everybody! Great win, let’s keep it goin!](https://v.redd.it/adkeponjygu91)|   ###Questions / Débats | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 22 | [24 comments](/r/caps/comments/y77oj8/thinks_on_kuempers_performance_so_far/) | `[Discussion]` Réflexions sur les performances de Kuempers jusqu’à présent ? | | 7 | [6 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/caps/comments/y6sh2v/goal_songs/) | `[Question]` Chansons d’objectif ?| | 2 | [2 comments](/r/caps/comments/ya9e0b/fs_price_drop_teamissued_capitals_58g_goalie_cut/) | `[Discussion]` FS : * Baisse de prix * Team-Issued Capitals 58G (coupe gardien de but) Jersey. A une marque noire sur la poitrine. 100 $ USD, frais de port compris partout en Amérique du Nord OBO| | 0 | [6 comments](/r/caps/comments/yb4lxx/meet_the_team_event/) | `[Question]` Rencontrez l’événement d’équipe |   ###Commentaires du fil de jeu | score | commentaire | |–|–| | 66 | /u/BallsMahoganey a dit [Sorry Kuemper. You deserved better.](/r/caps/comments/y9gef5/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_ottawa/it5ftjy/?context=5) | | 53 | /u/BallsMahoganey a dit [If we’re gonna pick a period to not be suck, I’d definitely prefer it be the 3rd from now on.](/r/caps/comments/yb4n8i/post_game_thread_los_angeles_kings_at_washington/itemijb/?context=5) | | 48 | /u/FunImprovement166 a dit [Please tell me someone has a gif of that final Ovi celly.](/r/caps/comments/y6t7xy/post_game_thread_vancouver_canucks_at_washington/isr1bge/?context=5) | | 47 | /u/mark_dink a dit [we are now 2 – 0 when I’m drinking PBR for the games. i found my drink bois](/r/caps/comments/y6t7xy/post_game_thread_vancouver_canucks_at_washington/isr1nxb/?context=5) | | 45 | /u/bagelknits a dit [Let’s give a moment of appreciation for the kings and their lack of ads in their uniforms.](/r/caps/comments/yb4n8i/post_game_thread_los_angeles_kings_at_washington/itenm3c/?context=5) | | 45 | /u/dhlrebel a dit [New strat ovi score 2 every game](/r/caps/comments/y6t7xy/post_game_thread_vancouver_canucks_at_washington/isr2lp6/?context=5) | | 43 | /u/Jbvol a dit [As much hate as he’s gotten (And rightfully so after some horrific appearances) ^John ^Carlson ^played ^a ^good ^game](/r/caps/comments/y6t7xy/post_game_thread_vancouver_canucks_at_washington/isr2q25/?context=5) | | 43 | /u/In_Senity a dit [Sad thing is after playing so well and being up by 2 in the first period I knew this was the inevitable result. Pain](/r/caps/comments/y9gef5/post_game_thread_washington_capitals_at_ottawa/it5fv85/?context=5) | | 41 | /u/jake55555 a dit [The kings player in the celebration circle was my favorite part of the game](/r/caps/comments/yb4n8i/post_game_thread_los_angeles_kings_at_washington/iten1bj/?context=5) | | 40 | /u/410LaxMD a dit [Now that felt like a Caps game.](/r/caps/comments/y6t7xy/post_game_thread_vancouver_canucks_at_washington/isr1ojh/?context=5) |   ###Meilleurs messages restants | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 417 | [20 comments](/r/caps/comments/y75fur/our_most_graceful_captain/) | `[Photo]` [Our most graceful Captain](https://i.redd.it/mrwe3lnx2ku91.png)| | 323 | [12 comments](/r/caps/comments/y84rg8/my_dudes_and_babes/) | `[Photo]` [My dudes and babes](https://imgur.com/I1bh1wA.jpg)| | 234 | [34 comments](/r/caps/comments/yb4dr6/i_miss_the_organ/) | `[Announcement]` L’orgue me manque | | 222 | [20 comments](/r/caps/comments/ya8yh0/got_the_signature_on_the_game_used_twig/) | Vous avez la signature 🐐 sur la brindille utilisée par le jeu | | 220 | [10 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/caps/comments/y6tbrx/what_a_3rd_period/) | `[Photo]` [What a 3rd period!](https://i.redd.it/5kv5s996zgu91.jpg)| | 192 | [95 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/caps/comments/y90si6/the_eagle_has_landed/) | [The eagle has landed](https://twitter.com/Capitals/status/1583111185440067584?cxt=HHwWgMDSgYnPq_grAAAA)| | 147 | [14 comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/caps/comments/y9ix9w/first_i_was_likebut_then_i_was_like/) | `[Photo]` D’abord j’étais comme… mais ensuite j’étais comme….| | 142 | [25 comments](/r/caps/comments/y8gdhm/jakub_vrána_placed_in_nhlnhlpa_player_assistance/) | `[News]` [Jakub Vrána Placed In NHL/NHLPA Player Assistance Program](https://twitter.com/NoVa_Caps/status/1582857197842681856?t=FQM1TK2suak-sEccfqaQDg&s=19)| | 108 | [3 comments](/r/caps/comments/yb3z77/lets_go_boys/) | `[Photo]` [Let’s go boys](https://i.redd.it/ps6v7e4dggv91.jpg)| | 92 | [41 comments](/r/caps/comments/y7d61f/washingtons_evgeny_kuznetsov_has_been_suspended/) | Evgeny Kuznetsov de Washington a été suspendu pour un match pour Kyle Burroughs de Vancouver |  


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