@Stars de Dallas

Faits saillants de la LNH | Stars vs Sénateurs – 24 octobre 2022

Magnus Hellberg a effectué 29 arrêts lors de ses débuts avec les Sénateurs d’Ottawa et Shane Pinto a marqué à son cinquième match consécutif pour mener et aider à vaincre les Stars de Dallas 4-2.


  1. I find myself paying more attention to the ads on the boards than the actual goals. NHL is getting gross.

  2. Im dead, Brassard was on the 2017 Sens team. Left during the rebuild and now he is back after the rebuild 😂😂😂

  3. И тут выскакивает Радул в свитере ак барс 😳 и забивает ❗️😀🤌 Саня проснись 🤥🤗😅😂😎✊

  4. Magnus Hellberg is doing his best Magnus Carlsen impersonation……He is looking like a GrandMaster!

  5. #26 on sens got walked like a beer leaguer! Swishing his stick and eyes on the puck. Look at his chest and level him , screw the puck! Where are the fundamentals with the players these days?

  6. As a Habs fan, I know the Sens will be a pain in the ass to play against for a long time, really a fun team to watch, and a boatload of potential for more.

  7. Why 4 replays for each clip? Ridiculous.
    Thought TSN was bad
    No longer watching your channels
    See y’all

  8. чего-то вдруг у всех наших в Далласе не идёт. может карма, а может кто порчу навёл. надо батюшку позвать, пусть он псалмы прочтёт, кадилом помашет водой окропит бесов каких-то изгонит, али кого из хиромантов пусть пателипают чем надо.делать что-то же нужно.

  9. This Pinto kid was a elite elite college player many forget before his injury plagued 2021-22 season

  10. I hope the Sens can play like this when they're playing away, they look awesome

  11. So funny how hOttawa is winning against the big teams. Gave Boston their only regulation loss so far and now the first regulation loss to Dallas. Now hopefully they can get some wins on the road!

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