@Blackhawks de Chicago

J’ai reçu ce pull de ma grand-mère, quelqu’un sait de quelle année était cette équipe ?

Je ne peux pas savoir de quelle année était cette équipe ni qui l’a signée, j’espérais que quelqu’un ici serait en mesure de le dire. Merci!



  1. Rimmatimtim22

    Well very bottom one is Eric daze. So I’m assuming sometime in his career. Which is between 94-05. So really narrows it down (sarcasm) but that’s the only one I can make out. I’d look at some rosters with the numbers by each name and see if you can figure it out.

  2. AgileLegCramp

    2001-2002…Joe Reekie #23 in the bottom right.

  3. KFBR392293

    04-05 is my guess. Tuomo Ruutu is #15. Jim Vandermeer #23. Jocelyn Thibault #41.

  4. mikekwando

    Probably 2003-2004. In addition to Daze (#55), I spy:

    -Jocelyn Thibault (#41)
    -Brett McLean (#53)
    -Steve Poapst (#8)
    -Michal Barinka (#42)

    Based on rosters logged on Hockey Reference, 2003-2004 was the only overlap for Poapst and Barinka.

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