@Flyers de Philadelphie

Pingouins @ Circulaires 04/05/21 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Penguins de Pittsburgh aux Flyers de Philadelphie


  1. “No harm no foul” on the cross check Empty Netter. What a joke nbc and the nhl is.

  2. Glad Penguins scored that last goal to stick it to the Flyers one last time this season for that cheap shot penalty at the end.

  3. Who is the low life jealous philly announcer who was trying to justify the cross check at the end? Unbelievable. And then he says "i guess they're trying to refine their powerplay". No, moron. They are trying to send you and all your low class inbred fans a message. Wow. Talk about a hater. Talk about dumb. Did they pull a fan from the stands to be the color guy? Wtf.

  4. Jones: No harm no foul!

    Penguins: oh okay puts 1st powerplay out

    Jones: meh ya didn’t need to do that

    Penguins: No harm no foul!

  5. Patrick takes a stick swing at Friedman's head before he scores and Gostisbehere tries to pull a Dale Hunter impression. @NHL you are turning into a joke.

  6. For a couple minutes I almost thought the pens were about to choke their 3-0 lead.

  7. Letang gotta ditch that Bauer vapor lite stick just like NHL gotta ditch four advertisements per video 👍

  8. How can you laugh at someone getting checked late at the end of the game into the boards lol the announcers should be let go for that and you can hear the facoritism in their voice for the Flyers lol

  9. one remarkable statistics tells it all about the Flyers — they are basically at a .500 win percentage at 23-23-7 with a -41 goal differential. I would guess that this is the worst G-Diff for a .500 team in the history of hockey, even over the course of a full 82 game schedule. The 7 ties implies they should be somewhere around a -7 goal differential. How can you get blown out so often when you lose? Something seriously wrong with this team and I don't know how you (Chuck Fletcher) fix a team without any willingness to battle when down a goal or two. They clearly have just collapsed when down. Incredibly disappointing as a lifelong Flyer fan.

  10. Us Flyers fans need to what the Pens fans did before getting Lemuix and Crosby. Stop showing up to games or buying merchandise. Until the bottom line gets affected nothing will change. They will be content with a team that can at best make it to round 2.

  11. Philly announcer "No harm no foul"

    Everyone else said "He's a disgrace to the NHL"

    Got all but hurt cause he got scored on, typical Philly player

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