@Canucks de Vancouver

Harman Dayal : J’ai demandé à Allvin si les Canucks envisageraient une reconstruction s’ils continuaient à lutter :

Harman Dayal : J’ai demandé à Allvin si les Canucks envisageraient une reconstruction s’ils continuaient à lutter :



  1. Sygvardy

    Well that is a load of nothing sentence. Certainly doesn’t sound encouraging.

  2. overscaled

    it’s funny that every year, we are dreaming about that Blues fantasy that went into tear mode late in the season to win the cup.

  3. Upbeat_Trainer

    I’m so close to done with this team. What’s the point, they’re never gonna win shit.

  4. SpectreFire

    > bringing in character and younger players

    *proceeds to sign JT Miller to an eternity contract that starts when he’s 30.*

  5. mephnick

    We got our rebuild guys. Apparently this is it, so enjoy it.

  6. HogwartsXpress36

    Benning pretty much said same thing

  7. I_Am_A_Peasant

    Lol. Doesn’t answer the question. Sounds just like Benning.

    Can’t wait for us to get a 10-15 pick and the whole offseason will be hearing about how we almost turned it around and if we didn’t go on this slump we could have been a wild card team. And we need to ‘build’ on what we have and re-tool. Love this for the fans.

  8. CtrlShiftAltDel

    Sounds like the exact same canned bullshit response Benning gave.

  9. Voltage604

    First Rutherford said on Saturday they wanted to bring in younger players now Allvin….


    Seems the management has changed but there is still no clear direction.

  10. mghtymrv

    > « I still think that we’re building something here everyday, we’re not done, I think that was something we wanted to accomplish this summer was **changing the culture**, **raising the bar**, having **higher standards** and **bringing in younger players**, **character players** and making sure we’re always looking at options here. »

    Lol literally did none of that (except maybe bring in Lazar for character).

  11. TalkinTrash1118

    I don’t understand this answer. Genuinely what team ISN’T doing this?

  12. avmp629

    You guys comparing this to Benning when literally every GM gives the same nothing answers at these kinds of pressers

  13. Stumbles947

    Ffs! We rebuilt and won 3 cups….BUT we don’t want to do that we want to continue to suck with finishing middle of the packs for decades and never getting draft picks while other Trans rebuild and win in a much shorter time period. REFUCKINGBUILD!

  14. Horvirts

    He needs to stop talking about Pittsburgh like there’s a chance we get a Crosby level player. Pittsburgh won the ultimate lottery, which won’t happen here.

  15. DJ_House_Red

    Let’s see who Patrik Allvin really is!

    It’s fucking Jimbo, great

  16. acmexyz

    continue struggling? it’s been a decade. how much longer must they struggle?

  17. shadownet97

    It’s easy to “rebuild” when you have three (well four) cornerstone pieces to do it with, two of them instant HHOFers.

    Less easy when you sign your most valuable trade piece to an 8×8 and kill all hope of a proper rebuild.

  18. ProtectionFromStupid

    What do you expect him to say?? Allvin is backed into a corner every time this comes up. Probably wants to make all kinds of changes but with serious cap issues and ownership not wanting a full rebuild. What he said is probably all he really can say. I dont blame him at all.

  19. Efficient-Income-795

    Aquaman in the shadows with a gun pointed at him as he says that lol

  20. superworking

    He says he was a part of a rebuild before but he got there after all the losing and acquiring picks happened. After Crosby Malkin Letang Fleury Staal had been assembled. He was there when they were spending assets not accruing them. This is a team that doesn’t have what they had in Pitt in 2007, it’s a team that needs to get to that stage. Would be like saying Gillis did the rebuild instead of Burke.

  21. catgotcha

    He should go into politics. Clearly good at it.

  22. eexxiitt

    Retooling vs rebuilding was probably the key part of aquilinis interview for a new GM and president of ops lol. Pass that and you get the job.

  23. RockoIs1337

    Feel sorry for you guys (Sens fan coming in peace). Hope you get to start fresh with a new owner soon. Seems like he’s pulling the strings and keeping his GM and President in check.

  24. theEMPTYlife

    Jesus, PA could be a great politician, he said nothing in that entire paragraph lol

  25. filementary

    ok so i made a post a few days ago saying that we need to get #fireallvin trending. Most of you took it as a joke, but i was being serious. This guy’s words reak of the same no plan plan, « constantly » building, win now crap that ran rampant during Benning’s tenure. If we can’t hold them to a hire standard and simply say no to these guys being allowed to run the show, stuff like this will keep happening.


    #fireallvin #firerutherford

  26. Dtron1987

    It’s like these clowns saw the loui contract and said “hold my beer”

  27. DrHockey69

    Great… Now we get to spend eternity in basement hell with Yotes.

  28. PaperMoonShine

    Patrick Alvin has a different take/understanding of what a « rebuild » is, compared to the media present at this interview.

    Im going to scrutinize the media here, because Alvin is very much like a politician, if you’re vague enough with your questions, he’s going to take advantage.

    They need to ask him; « will you trade away top players for picks and commit to a high draft pick position this year and coming years if the roster continues to underperform ».

  29. nasland19

    Definitely sounds like he wants to do a proper rebuild but ownership said no. Unsurprising.

  30. hawkey_tawk

    Can one of you meme lords make one that’s the Scooby-Doo guy pulling off the Allvin mask to reveal Jimbo?

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