@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Premier aperçu de la configuration des vestiaires temporaires de la LNH à Mullett Arena

Les Coyotes de l’Arizona entament leur ère au Mullett Arena vendredi contre les Jets de Winnipeg. Jusqu’à ce que l’annexe soit prête en décembre, les équipes de visiteurs utiliseront un vestiaire temporaire à la patinoire communautaire adjacente. À quoi ressemble cette configuration et que dit le président et chef de la direction de Coyotes, Xavier Gutierrez, de la situation? ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKaPEqS_Mc6eGNNBQN1QgQw Site Web : http://gophnx.com/ PHNX Locker : PHNXLocker.com Twitter social : @PHNX_Sports Instagram : @PHNX_Sports


  1. What an epic, epic joke. The Coyotes should be embarrassed, the city of Phoenix should be embarrassed, and the league front office allowing this hilarity should be embarrassed.

  2. The Coyotes are a joke and this reflects badly on the NHL as well. 

    Quebec City has a brand new 18,259-seat arena and a crapload of die hard hockey fans just waiting for a team.


  3. Not sure what is worse, the bush league operation of this franchise, or the two fools defending it

  4. How the league can allow this crap to happen is unbelievable. Move them to another city. Not hard to figure out.

  5. Never mind NHL standards, this isn't even Jr. B or OHL standards. The London Knights in the OHL sell out 10,000 seats every game, the players play for free. Just move the dam team to a place who will run it and support it properly. SAD!

  6. I've put together better change rooms for my 6 year old daughters dance recitals at the local community center. This franchise is a joke, and an embarrassment.

  7. That entire franchise is a joke and the city or fans do NOT deserve a professional hockey team. Absolute embarrassment.

  8. It should the coyotes changing in that locker room not the visiting team. But I doubt they well

  9. Where are the showers? The skate sharpener? The workbench for hockey sticks? These are the very very minimum.

  10. The excuses at 7:00 are not valid here, come on guys. Why can they not offer the visitors locker used for the College teams? Why don't Coyotes use this "locker room" and let the guests have theirs meanwhile. Or turn it around, let Coyotes use the public bathroom at McDonalds when visiting these 4 teams that have to be there. I mean it is not end of the world and it will work out but it is just embarrassing. Arizona is becoming the laughing stock of NHL (hmm maybe Canucks beat Coyotes) and I start to seriously wonder if the Phoenix area deserves a NHL team.

  11. Stop telling fans to get over it. Hockey has no business in Arizona. 3 arenas, not a dime made. The team has never won anything and has never made a cent. Stop being a couple of boot lickers and admit the truth. You sound like you’re brainwashed.

  12. What a ridiculous situation. This is the premier hockey league in the world and a club can't even find a building that has a locker room for the away team. Seems that's a pretty clear sign that it's not a market that's interested in the game.

  13. Only thing good about the Coyotes is the Kachina's jerseys. Everything else seems like an embarrassment since being relocated from Winnipeg years ago.

  14. Everyone here is acting like these temp locker rooms are the most shocking thing in Coyotes history…..

    When what really shocked me is there were actually 2 people available in arizona willing to spend 8+ minutes talking about the team and their Joke of an arena at all……

  15. For the amount of money spent, it should have been finished. That's the embarrassing part.

  16. Mullet Arena is a brand new arena that was not designed to host an NHL team. They have had to retrofit to accommodate the Coyotes without disrupting the ASU games as well. And what was filmed is probably the training area, with the actual locker room being more enclosed with lockers the players are used to. After these four games the coyotes go on a 14 game road trip and don’t return to Mullet Arena till December 9th. That’s 4 out of 24 games played at home, and only one week of temporary facilities for 4 games. Considering the issues with Gila River Arena and Glendale, I’m just glad the Coyotes are still in town.

  17. So the NHL wants to be seen as the pinnacle hockey league in the world? This is really sub-peewee hockey standards now. You do not see this kind of crap in other professional hockey leagues. This is not worthy of the NHL or its players. The Coyotes should be forced to use the make shift joke of a curtain "change room" and the visiting team should get the actual real change room. "It's not that big a deal." (Clown music on stand by)
    I can't wait to see the media coverage of this joke after Friday's game. Arizona will be front and center in the hockey world. I can only imagine the headlines. "Coyotes are a complete disaster", "Gary has lost his mind" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. This situation in AZ will not be fixed as long as Vladimir Bettman in in charge of the league. End of story, he wants to make AZ the center of the world for hockey or at least it looks that way. He will not admit failure just like another Vlad.

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