@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Disponibilité du DJ après le match – 27 octobre 2022

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith après le match de ce soir contre le Wild du Minnesota.


  1. Classic DJ L why put Zaitzev in its baffling how night an day he looks great coach one day brainless the next

  2. It’s crazy how no one is seeing that we are winning purely based on skill and grit. Coaching decisions have ALWAYS been questionable.

  3. Pulling the goalie was highly suspect. We did not have sustained pressure all night long so it was highly likely they would get the puck and clear it. With the goalie at least they can regroup. What’s the scoring percentage 5 on 4 vs 6 on 4. We know with an empty net the probability of a goal against increases dramatically. Bad decision.

  4. Sens played brutal but had a good third, then DJ decided to piss away the game. Amateur move destroys the win streak/confidence🤦‍♂️

  5. Very frustrating result but the Sens will need to focus on the next game.

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