@Kraken de Seattle

Kraken Sound : Shane Wright – 13 juillet 2022

L’attaquant du Seattle Kraken Shane Wright s’entretient avec les médias après une mêlée au camp de développement.


  1. seems like the teammate to not shut up about star wars on the bench in a 3-3 tie game with a minute left in regulation

  2. Welcome to the team Shane! So many of us from the Kraken discord has been excited to see you with us!

  3. as a lifelong Kraken fan and Hockey expert who is never wrong my guy shane wright will lead us 2 a Stanley cup win in the next 5 years guaranteed

  4. Holy cannoli does he talk fast! I always think he’s rushing or in a hurry, but I’m realizing that he just talks really quickly. He does well with the press, too. Glad he’s seeming confident in himself and not daunted by this being the nhl

  5. Holy Kraken you guys got so lucky to get this guy. Only a matter of time before someone makes a video on how 3 other teams passed up on him. Whoever says he's gona be a bust is just jealous they didn't get him. I'm a Nuck's fan btw. So no bias here, just really like the player and think you guys got a steal at 4th

  6. Seems like a narcissist to me, not by this take, but from others I’ve seen….not something you want in the locker room or in a game 7. You should be concerned Seattle. Maybe properly start the rebuild before you kick the can down the road ya know

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