@Blackhawks de Chicago

Faits saillants de la LNH | Blackhawks contre Sabres – 29 octobre 2022

Tage Thompson a marqué deux fois en troisième période pour égaliser le match et Victor Olofsson a récolté son deuxième du match en prolongation, aidant les Sabres de Buffalo à voler une victoire de 4-3 aux Blackhawks de Chicago.


  1. " И ЕСТЬ ЧЕМ ПЛАТИТЬ, НО Я НЕ ХОЧУ. ПОБЕДЫ ЛЮБОЙ ЦЕНОЙ." Гр Кино. Бизоны🐂 проявили характер в очередной раз, спотыкаясь, но не падая. 💪

  2. I was in the building tonight, crowd was big and loud. Great comeback for the Sabres tonight, that’s a game they used to lose.

  3. As soon as the Hawks get a 2 goal lead they play defense and lose exactly like they've been doing for the last decade that's why this team is another loser again this year. Nothing but penalties and bad goaltending is the exact outcome again from a game that should have been won.

  4. CHI 1st goal 100% shoulda been disallowed how can u expect G to save when the guy is pushing u out? I honestly think we should consider the blue paint rule coming back

  5. Баффало явно сильнее и счёт по делу. 1 гол Чикаго- игрок в пл. ворот, мешает киперу, я и не знал что так можно.

  6. As a Hawks fan, that was a fantastic game by the Sabres. Rooting for y’all, you deserve your patient success. But it’s also nice the Hawks aren’t horrible this year

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