@Canadiens de Montréal

Faits saillants de la LNH | Sénateurs contre Panthers – 29 octobre 2022

Brady Tkachuk a marqué un but pour égaliser le match en deuxième période, mais ses Sénateurs d’Ottawa ont tout de même perdu contre les Panthers de la Floride et son frère Matthew, qui a récolté trois points, dont un dans un filet désert, en route vers un score final de 5-3.


  1. No number 1 goalie * Talbot
    No number 1 defenceman * Zub
    No number 1 Center * Norris

    Complete embarrassment , no contest at all. Forseberg played amazing. 👏
    50 something SOG….wow

  2. Ottawa defence is starting to really show its gaps… Not good! Someone give Norris and Zub a senzu bean… We need them back big time. 🤣

  3. Said it many times, Sens are a much better team but without defense so f'ing frustrating! They need improvement on D (even with Zub) !!!

  4. Two games in a row Ottawa got out worked. Two games in a row the guy bumbled it at the blue line. I have a feeling this Ottawa team won’t succeed until they get a coaching change. They’re not ready for the games at all. Forsberg let a few bad goals but it sounds like he played well even if you don’t see it in the highlights.

  5. The panthers clearly deserved to win that first period, but after that once the Sens came back that game was all the refs

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