@Kraken de Seattle

Kraken a fait Shane Wright si sale la nuit dernière – NHL News Today 2022 Seattle Kraken News & Rumours

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  1. Dave Hakstol Is teaching this kid humility. Shane probably has a poor attitude and expected to be on the ice when his family showed up and Hakstol said nope here is the bench until you learn to be a team player for this team.

  2. I think this is a GM/Coach thing and has nothing to do with Wright. GM stated he wanted to see more of Wright. Time for owner to step in.

  3. How can he become a good hockey player? How can you prove the Cracken coaching staff wrong? Well, I guess he can’t. How can he prove himself that he’s a good hockey player if he isn’t playing? I think, that he should request to be traded. He can go to another NHL team, he can get minutes, and he can light the league up. Oh, the kraken will be feeling that. Peter Chiarelli! run? not playing him.

  4. That's cute, you forget that this is not kindergarden if his parents are in town he have to play ? That's the highest level of sport and Business and there are some rules it have to have som reason what you don' t know it's in the team they will have to work on it. 3 teams pass on him because of reason.

  5. The coach in Seattle is another idiot like Ducharme, who dropped Caufield to Laval. Not saying Wright will be like Caufield.. but the coach is a fu**ing idiot who doesn't acknowledge his potential

  6. They don’t want to burn a year of his rookie deal by playing him 10 games this year.

  7. Clearly there has been some incident or conflict between Wright and Hakstol. Usually, a top 5 pick will be given every opportunity to show that he belongs in the NHL but Wright hasnt really been given that opportunity. 11 shifts per game and never more than 9 minutes in any 1 game really wont let this talented kid develop. Ron Francis is a respected and veteran GM who clearly must step in and decide Wrights future and lets hope that happens sooner than later. A return to Kingston seems inevitable but could the unthinkable happen where Wright is dealt?

  8. Shane Wright isn't ready to play in the NHL, if he get hurt , His confidence will drop if he doesn't produce more points etc… Give him ice-time on the kraken farm-team would be the best thing for Shane Wright. He ain't no Slafkovsky. We aren't at the practices , but perhaps he needs more work on certain aspects of his game to fit in with the team plays. Its rare to play in the NHL at 18 , accept it. Step back and let the boy develop @ Kraken Fans.

  9. You make decisions based on how the team performs, not who's grandma and grandpa is in town. They won last night, without him. Enough said.

  10. Just because his grandparents show up doesn't mean that they have to play him.

  11. Hey, so listen I think you are missing the point with Shane Wright. You need to keep in mind that Shane is hated by most of his teammates be it everywhere he played. He has a toxic aura and behaviour. That is why MTL passed on him because he is toxic. He cries and screams at his teammates and coaches when they try to tell him something. He is a piece of shit plain and simple. Fk being 4th overall. Dude he legit has barely any shots he spent most games without even a shot on net. He has horrible stats. Like tf you saying???

  12. The kraken : how to become a clown show NHL organization in a little over 1 year.

  13. Nah man this is pro sports. Play well or take a seat. No one gave a fuck when I used to get cut from AAA with my grandpa in the stands.

  14. I'd prefer to say "He's not Dadonov bad" than Hoffman. Hoffman isn't good but it seems like St-Louis believes in him.

  15. Personally, I'm not even worried about it. The kid is still a teenager and will undoubtedly be a superstar someday. It may or may not be with the Kraken, but time will tell.

  16. It is strange. It sounds like they are trying to break him.
    When I see Slafkovsky, I realize why they picked him over Wright, Montreal is one of the hardest market in sports in the world.
    What I didn’t understand is that 2 other teams passed on him.
    I think we are finding out. He looks like a nice kid, I hope everything is sorted out soon

  17. did you seriously compare hakstol to babcock because he scratched a rookie?sick twisted lesson by hakstol? LOL. there were rumors wright had an ego and an attitude problem yet you never acknowledge that while you blame everyone but shane wright for his current situation. there is a reason he wasnt getting much ice time and there is a reason hes been scratched 3 straight games…….that reason is named shane wright.

  18. Honestly man this nonstop commentary with sOmEtHiNgS uP mAn isn't substantive at all, same as the commenters who are like tHeY wAnNa BrEaK hIs SpIrIt hEs ArRoGaNt. Bullshit. Here's what's up with Wright. He was drafted from the OHL, part of the CHL. The CHL has an agreement w the NHL that their players can't go to the AHL or abroad until age 20, they go back to the CHL if they don't stay up with the NHL club. Wright's not 100% NHL-ready but he's above the OHL. But he can't go to the AHL. Now, usually there would be no problem with sending him down to the junior team in this situation except the HC at the Fronts is Caputi, a man who Wright is not gonna play for. Caputi's system and use of Wright in Kingston fucked up his draft stock so bad, he had him off to the slowest fucking start sheltering OHL rookies and not playing him with the Fronts top wingers. Wright wants nothing to do with that anymore and if he is sent down, it's only a matter of time of when he is traded away. If his rights belonged to another OHL team, guaranteed he'd be playing down there by now for more minutes. Their developmental system is also pure crap as are the facilities available to CHL players. At least up with Seattle, Shane has access to world class coaching staff, nutrition, etc, etc. Francis for sure wants more minutes for him but still sheltered, that's where Hakstol is the problem, he isn't the man of the hour for prospect development but neither is Caputi at Kingston. Everybody's acting as if Wright pissed off Hakstol or something for this to happen, but have any of you considered he's just a shit coach who doesn't handle prospect development that well? Matty B is so good because he went back to Mich, he wasn't developed under Hakstol ffs. Hakstol's going to be canned in months or the end of the season and once Shane Wright is out of Kingston's hands for good, his woes will be fixed.

  19. The famous stare down by Wright towards the HABS management during the draft might be one of the reasons that the Kraken management are being reluctant with him.

    It might be a maturity/behavioral issue that they are trying to adjust.

  20. It's gotta be about his attitude or something behind the scenes that we don't know about.
    The kid is clearly good enough to play on a Seattle team every night.

  21. I hear that Shane Wright is setting himself to [ASK TO BE TRADED SOON] but I think the Kraken will have a [difficult time] finding a [trade partner] for this #4 pick? I believe the Kraken has to [resolve Wright] but [Wright also has to resolve Wright] & the timeframe is in Shane's hands as to [when that happens]?

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