@Canucks de Vancouver

Il est temps de ramener les vacances ?

Admirez les fans des Canucks, Simple Minds est de retour pour une deuxième saison. Est-ce que j’aime la chanson ? Ouais, j’adore cette chanson. Est-ce une bonne chanson de but? Je .. c’est la deuxième saison et je ne sais toujours pas. J’ai assisté à de nombreux matchs en personne et j’ai regardé le reste à la télévision, et je ne pense toujours pas que cela corresponde à l’ambiance. Alors que les Canucks espèrent courir pour revenir dans les choses, le moment est peut-être venu d’apporter une chanson différente. Débarrassez-vous de l’ambiance perdante. Ramenez les vacances. Ici le [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Carson_Lougheed/status/1586759302651731968?t=zq2wsAxmz09Uyk4cAlRPDQ&s=19) poste avec un exemple de ce à quoi cela pourrait ressembler (bien sûr, il y a 2011 clips et 2018 clips avec une mauvaise édition de celui-ci… mais pourquoi ne pas avoir un clip plus récent pour référence). Alors, Holiday, n’est-ce pas, ou autre chose ?



  1. Holiday by Turnstile is the best holiday

  2. CartoonistWeary3399

    I wish, but the head of in-game entertainment Jason Steensma has proudly proclaimed he knows more than fans multiple times. He brought back Sweet Caroline despite STH saying they don’t want it and it got booed out of the building.


    He was at a STH event a few years ago before COVID and I don’t think I have ever seen anyone with a bigger Napoleon Complex in my life. He talked about wanting to eliminate the organ (which he eventually did) while everyone told him that they love it and he pretty much told fans that they were wrong.

  3. Something else. Holiday was a totally different era, and an era in which the Canucks were really good. This team is decent at best. If they had stuck with Holiday and made it a thing like the Blackhawks with Chelsea Dagger, then fine, but to bring it back now doesn’t make sense imo.

    I genuinely think Don’t You is a depressing goal song, especially for the games where the Canucks are trailing, it doesn’t inject energy into the building imo, and if they’re going to use that, I’d rather they just blew the horn and then didn’t have a song, or went back to each player picking their own

  4. RusstyKrusty

    The fact that it’s on the second season and I still feel meh about it at best means that it’s not working. While I love holiday it had its time and is now a part of history. Bring it back occasionally, like special games when we use our third jerseys and the like but not full time. Time to move on and find something that can become another classic.

  5. roberthart327

    The main thing is that we’ve started the debates again because we’ve actually started scoring.

  6. Curtis__E__Flush

    Been saying for a hwhile now,

    Opening song: U2 – where the streets have no name ( with the siren it just sounds awesome)

    Goal: Green Day – Holiday

    Win: Elton John – I’m still standing
    However, when we had the Star Wars theme play that was good too 😁😁😁

    I think we need a really good PP song though. I think San Jose has Seven Nation Army and Pittsburgh has Joker and the Thief which are pretty awesome in my opinion.

    I wouldn’t mind a Viking Clap or something to get the crowd into a Powerplay and hype up the players.

    I’m sure that my wishful thinking on Reddit here though will make all this come to fruition

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