@Maple Leafs de Toronto


LEAFS FAN REACTION/RAGE Assurez-vous de vous abonner à l’émission afin de rester à jour sur les épisodes hebdomadaires et de nous laisser un avis 5 étoiles⭐️ Spotify : open.spotify.com/show/3vHpWd7WT… Apple : podcasts.apple.com/us /podcast/hot… Suivez sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/HotTakeHockey https://twitter.com/_lucasjoseph?t=HW_VjsKc6KPJ9gma-5jSgw&s=09 Merci pour tout le soutien sur la chaîne ! Plus de vidéos et de diffusions de hockey à venir ! Bienvenue si vous êtes nouveau ! SHOUTOUT TO HALL OF FAME MEMBERS JEFF MCKAY JENS95 ISLESGIRL3 BOTO WINTER WARPED MIND ⬇️SEND FAN MAIL⬇️ John Viveiros PO Box 99900 RP 782 502 RPO Bay Adelaide Toronto, ON M5H 0A5 (Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter) Suivez-nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/HotTakeHockey https://twitter.com/johnviveiros_ Anaheim Ducks Coyotes de l’Arizona Bruins de Boston Sabres de Buffalo Flames de Calgary Hurricanes de la Caroline Blackhawks de Chicago Avalanche du Colorado Blue Jackets de Columbus Stars de Dallas Red Wings de Detroit Oilers d’Edmonton Floride Panthers Kings de Los Angeles Wild du Minnesota Canadiens de Montréal Predators de Nashville Devils du New Jersey Islanders de New York Rangers de New York Sénateurs d’Ottawa Flyers de Philadelphie Penguins de Pittsburgh Sharks de San Jose Kraken de Seattle Blues de St. Louis Lightning de Tampa Bay Maple Leafs de Toronto Canucks de Vancouver Golden Knights de Vegas Capitals de Washington Jets de Winnipeg


  1. And don’t forget Brayden Shannon where is he, his job also there too losing his job leafs is liked the blue jays losing games and they also pooped in there pants maybe a pee who cares we are so overwhelmed with this team that doesn’t care about their own fans what they did to us they never learn how to play the game we just giving up some idea with Vancouver but now their turn the page in Vancouver but we don’t why both if they treat us terrible and they did and we do the same back to them I’m so sick and tired telling them off John you know me so well you are on the right path and 100% right with everything trade Holl and Mitch if we want him to be out HOLL WAKE UP!!

  2. That’s what happens when you have a stacked roster with all the talent, but zero heart. Bunch of divas…what an embarrassment. Sadly, Keefe is going to be the one on the chopping block, when it isn’t his fault. Dubas has been running this team like he’s playing franchise mode on his PS5 for years.

    Also, dude you need to chill out…it’s just hockey. Nothing is worth getting this angry about..especially not the Leafs

  3. The team culture is horrible. It's spoiled children who think they can do whatever they want. But there are a couple of FACTS Leaf fans and management need to accept: 1. Mathews contract is designed so he can leave for a big American. team. Rangers, Kings possibly Vegas…..He is NOT staying in Toronto…period. His. no-trade kicks in this summer. He needs to be traded NOW! And he should be, because his lackadaisical attitude is a HUGE part of the problem, 2. Nylander….Are you kidding me!??! This guy has done things that would have gotten him kicked out of NHL locker rooms 20 years ago, I don't care how "good" he is. An attitude like that is POISON!

  4. Ouh yeah, feel bad for Steve and this dude here. Also it's kinda funny, If I was a Canadian and live in Toronto idk I'd pick Marleys to cheer for I guess. Rip

  5. The leafs are still in summer vacation mode I know we had a beautiful hot summer here in Toronto but it’s getting cold now it’s time to go to work we’re not in Phoenix Arizona anymore it’s time to grind it’s hard to put your head down and grind. I don’t wanna do it I want to give my team my guys as easy ride as I can but it’s at the point now where Sheldon Keefe has to have early morning practises the next day after games. I know it sucks but the leaves are not hustling they still think it’s 85° outside sitting poolside, time to wake these guys up wake up and smell the cold fresh air in the morning get an escape. get those hockey boots warm and sweaty at 9am and ready to go in the morning for 730 games…break in the foam gear early….. summers over we’re November it’s time to wake up and get the body moving early like the Bruins time to skate old-school Hockey after games the day after games. I feel like the coaches messages are being heard he’s not doing enough the coaches on vacation mode to. Leafs are too spoiled and only think about their $$ and hoping they will be at home when their new Funiture gets delivered and there ACAI fruit bowl delivery, WEAK!!! In defence of the team we have lost a lot of good players and that it’s a big factor it’s not all effort we have lost many key depth players and we have lost the depth we are not as good as last year so that Hass to be considered and that is not all the players fault (Matthews) that is managements fault we’ve lost Spezza (solid) Muzzin (solid) lilijgen (solid) blackwell (solid) dermot (solid) Simmons (solid) Campbell (solid) kase (kase/kampf line was key) mikhayev (speed/carrying the puck out of D zone into neutral ice) kadri (hard worker) Hyman (solid)…. those were VERY important players that win games and they were fun to watch instead of now only watching a one-line team and falling asleep and that’s management fault for believing fans only want to watch 3-4 star players for 10-15 min per game….its crap…. Why do we lose those meat grinders? well it’s a combination of toxic Toronto media and special guys (matthews) only willing to come here for more money because the pressure is so high, leafs manager has paid the top players too much money and the top players are too selfish and took too much money and left table scraps for the Hymans and campells and those key players did not want table scraps so they left….. So really every level of beliefs is to blame for losing those guys from the top players to blame and management and our media. The leafs are really a one line team at this point… Just a first line team… Not really a lot of depth and not very good goaltending… I am not it doesn’t really matter to me because I know there’s no quick fix to this other than a partial rebuild in 2 to 3 years from now after matthews leaves for califonia or wherever he can lay on a beach and spend his millions or just retiire in 2024.… maybe go to Europe who knows….matthews is talented but hes also a loof with the puck at times not as skilled as marner and matthews is a bit of selfish guy TBH….matthews shouldn’t have called the OHL “a cult” in an interview that was a stupid pointless move and its only going to make guys on other teams not like you…..we already know matthews played in Europe because he alread knew he was NHL quality and didn’t want to get injuries before entering the NHL, so play in less physical Europe…..that is a smart move but it also shows matthews is here for $$ and to score goals for his own pride….i don’t think he cares if the team loses as long as he scores, his personal starts matter for to him and that’s why makinons and stamkoses and ovechkins win cups and not matthews because they do what it takes to win….. but I also I’m being a little sarcastic when I say the core players were offered table scraps because obviously every player in the NHL makes really good money no matter who you are I’m just saying every player is a little bit greedy but in the leafs case the top players were paid too much got too selfish and the result of that is losing their depth players their grinders third forces the fighters. The Hymans aren’t staying here to win for Toronto they want $$ they aren’t that loyal to the leafs….In short this is not a blue-collar team like the Oilers and the flames who are Canada’s only chance at winning a cup…Oh and Toronto fans will still pay ticket prices LOL!!! This is Toronto hockey it’’s not blue collar it’s the face of the NHL it’s not made to win it’s made to make Toronto and the NHL look good….either way I don’t care GO OILERS!!! GONCRADULATIONS DUCKS FOR THE WIN!!!!

    SECOND THOUGHT : There is nothing for leafs fans to complain about considering like 20% of thier team is gone : Spezza Muzzin lilijgen Simmons Campbell kase mikhayev kadri Hyman kessel….you only RENTED those depth players but you never BOUGHT them…..you BOUGHT 34, 16 and 91 and you get to keep what you bought and return what you rented…..right? ….re-watch leafs win in game 1 against Tampa last year you will see those guys were important, but there gone now so why complain? complain about managment for renting key players and buying 3 stars….. sorry but 3 guys is only 3 guys I'd rather have ALL those mentioned borrowed players than 3 stars because I know you will win more games with more players….right? ….its not the same team, leafs are just a regular NHL team now, they may make the playoff they may not….at least do what the leafs do best make the team fun but bad and make media coverage by SHOCKING us all lol….but really make some trades…get Pat Kane b/c that would be fun to watch, trade Marner because that is entertaining television….trade Holl….firing management is always the fans favorite thing to watch….hope we get to enjoy watching the walk of shame by one of the managers lol….. my surprise me!!!!🙂

  6. How the fuck can Leafs fans still exist… Can't win a playoffs round since 2004 smh

  7. After 55 years of futility this should surprise no one. They've tuned out the coach and reverted to the country club mentality of entitlement Mike Babcock was hired to weed out. This team has no heart.

  8. Why are you this emotional about it. Look at them, Marner might make a circus pass every few weeks but his figure eight brand of hockey is utterly useless in the playoffs. They have zero jam or grit and it rubs off on players that do have it. They're all wieners with shitty work ethic.

  9. Leaving their goalies out to dry holy shit..feel sorry for Samsonov especially

  10. i only clicked on this link to laugh at you….Steve Dangle junior….get some new content

  11. The inmates run the asylum.
    Keefe finally shows some balls and benches Marner which was great.
    You know what wasn't great?
    He should've been benched the rest of the game.
    Instead, he throws a childish temper tantrum, breaks a stick in the hall, returns to the bench, the Ducks tie the game and then Keefe goes, "Welp Mitch did you learn your lesson?" like a kid being put in timeout and sends him back out there.




    I'm old enough to have been alive for two Leaf cups!!
    Jack ~'()'~

  13. Keefe is playing holl more than Jason robertson, better off playing the kid in place of holl on d

  14. Mariner needs to learn be patient but the whole team needs to do some soul searching especially tavraves but I don't think your a idiot I think your a nice guy who is passionate about his hockey team

  15. Anyone know why Keefe went with Kallgren for 2 of the 3 games this weekend instead of Samsonov? The had 3 days off prior to Fridays game, it makes zero sense.

  16. cant have a second line centre on 11m aye. the gm making the coach say sorry for getting up them is a bad sign too.

  17. I would hate to see how you react when something important happens. This is just entertainment, man. You need some perspective.

  18. Leafs have such a habit of blowing games they should win. I could just feel it when Ducks levelled it up 3-3. You just know it's going downhill from there.

  19. This is a good rant— speaks volumes about how many of the fan base feel. Good work! Subbed

  20. This was me after losing to Montreal in the playoffs, but that was also the end for me. No longer cheer for the Leafs and I feel so much happier being able to watch hockey and not care like I used to. This loss today would have really pissed me off 2 years ago, now I just don't care anymore. I just think it is sad that still nothing has changed with the team, same old issues with defence. There is absolutely zero chance this team with this roster can win a Stanley Cup. Too weak on the Blue Line and too weak in net. They also will not be able to improve these positions with their limited cap space and availability of decent players on the market.

    No surprise Murray hasn't worked out. Injured after playing just one game? It's just so typical of this team.

  21. Imagine if you had guys like hyman and campbell on your team! Lmfao. 6-3 oilers record. Mcdavid 7 points in 2 games. Enjoy mediocrity!!!

  22. This group are weak and have no heart as a whole. This team is wrong. Its not the coach. You can not change the entire team [excluding the core] every year and expect fluidity. At least 10 players must be traded.

  23. Dubas brought back basically the same team but slightly worse. Engval….Seriously?

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