@Ducks d'Anaheim

Votre résumé hebdomadaire / r / anaheimducks pour la semaine du 24 octobre au 30 octobre

**Du lundi 24 octobre au dimanche 30 octobre** ###Commentaires du fil du jeu | score | commentaire | |–|–| | 76 | /u/supremegnkdroid a dit [LETS GOOOOO WE HELD THEM TO UNDER 40 SHOTS AND WERE TIED UNTIL A FEW MINUTES TO GO IN THE 3RD PERIOD (I am coping the best I can)](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yeixey/post_game_thread_october_26_2022_tampa_bay_at/itybhsx/?context=5) | | 72 | /u/Jauxter a dit [Did we…. just win a game??](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yhynln/post_game_thread_october_30_2022_toronto_at/iugd9n6/?context=5) | | 45 | /u/theclumsyninja a dit [Fuck those refs holy shit.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yhynln/post_game_thread_october_30_2022_toronto_at/iugdcq0/?context=5) | | 45 | /u/Mouse_for_life a dit [What a win against Toronto Officiating](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yhynln/post_game_thread_october_30_2022_toronto_at/iugda06/?context=5) | | 43 | /u/prmark34 a dit [The wheels on the tank go round and round](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yg5e49/post_game_thread_october_28_2022_anaheim_at_vegas/iu6xnoo/?context=5) | | 26 | /u/moineaux-quelque part a dit [Henrique had the puck all alone in the high slot and he elects to pass to the corner. If that doesn’t sum up the contribution from our vets this season I don’t know what does.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yeixey/post_game_thread_october_26_2022_tampa_bay_at/ityb2hs/?context=5) | | 22 | /u/DucksGibby a dit [Z](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yhynln/post_game_thread_october_30_2022_toronto_at/iugdb6a/?context=5) | | 21 | /u/PossumJ16 a dit [Zegras, Terry, and Drysdale (especially) looked solid tonight. Still think this team has talent but just plays in a system that is just god awful. Having 8 SOG 35 minutes into a hockey game …](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yeixey/post_game_thread_october_26_2022_tampa_bay_at/itych8h/?context=5) | | 20 | /u/ProfProfessorberg a dit [Leave Eakins in Vegas](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yg5e49/post_game_thread_october_28_2022_anaheim_at_vegas/iu6xuld/?context=5) | | 20 | /u/MedicinalHammer a dit [Holy shit y’all……… my first game of the season that I watched in full……. We are like *really* fucking bad……. Like wow. We obviously have some talent and we see flashes of it but most of the time we…](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yeixey/post_game_thread_october_26_2022_tampa_bay_at/itybjmj/?context=5) |   ###Meilleurs messages restants | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 234 | [46 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yg5eay/161_to_start_the_season_lets_fucking_go/) | [1-6-1 to start the season let’s fucking go!](https://i.redd.it/iuluujih5nw91.jpg)| | 198 | [10 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yhyooj/guys_gals_and_enby_pals_the_anaheim_ducks_have/) | [Guys, Gals, and Enby pals, THE ANAHEIM DUCKS HAVE WON A HOCKEY GAME! NO MATTER HOW MUCH THE REFS TRY TO SCREW US, LORD ZEGRAS WILL GRAB THE VICTORY. You know what time it is. PLAY THAT DUCKING GIF!!!](https://i.redd.it/s46c1rjw12x91.gif)| | 71 | [2 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yhyu0p/been_awhile_since_ive_been_able_to_break_this_out/) | [Been Awhile Since I’ve Been Able To Break This Out…](https://i.imgur.com/XWLy9B9.jpg)| | 44 | [48 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yhynln/post_game_thread_october_30_2022_toronto_at/) | Discussion d’après-match : 30 octobre 2022 – Toronto à Anaheim | | 44 | [3 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yfsv3s/from_mighty_til_now_episode_4_ft_ryan_getzlaf_and/) | [‎From Mighty ‘Til Now: Episode 4 ft. Ryan Getzlaf and Corey Perry](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/from-mighty-til-now/id1644278754?i=1000584263462)| | 42 | [57 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yf35z3/stephens_lets_get_the_obvious_out_of_the_way_the/) | Stephens : « Éliminons l’évidence. Les chances que l’entraîneur de quatrième année Dallas Eakins soit remplacé bientôt ou même en cours de saison sont minimes. » | | 42 | [1 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yefuyx/stephens_john_gibson_and_brian_elliott_lead_the/) | [[Stephens] John Gibson and Brian Elliott lead the Ducks and Lightning out for warm-ups. Just the second home game for Anaheim and the second in the orange alternates. Still the alternates?](https://twitter.com/icemancometh/status/1585447763482853376?s=46&t=UCmHGP773lmoyn_JvbGMEg)| | 41 | [34 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/ygv86r/who_do_you_think_well_face_in_the_first_round_of/) | Selon vous, qui affronterons-nous au premier tour des séries éliminatoires ? | | 32 | [39 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/ygae47/we_may_have_a_real_shot_at_bedard/) | Nous pouvons avoir un vrai coup à Bedard | | 30 | [12 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/yhyra0/lets_be_real/) | Soyons réalistes.|  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

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