@Flames de Calgary

Après-match – Darryl Sutter – 26.05.22

« Gardez votre menton levé, gardez votre poitrine bombée et sortez fier »


  1. League and Alberta needed this to go 7 games. However, I got to see a modern BoA! Flames are not going anywhere! I hope to see a few more of these!

  2. Slough-Foot 🔥 tried to score via Slough-Foot…..and now they're ⛳ 🏌️‍♀️ ⛳ 🏌️‍♂️ ⛳

  3. Even if the Oilers don't win the Cup, my personal cup has been won……Leafs OUT, Flames OUT, Oilers moving on.

  4. The team that beat you was the favourite?And the one man beat us garbage?No,you were the favourite by far and the whole team beat down Calgary is what you should be saying.And yes,you would make a great replacement for Kevin Costner,I get that.

  5. salt falling out his mouth as he talks.. waste of 8 days or something like that.. hey sutter play la bamba baby

  6. Calgary is the team that all bad players go to to retire. Because they golfing early an they can sit in there lazy boy an watch the Stanley cup playoffs .. Calgary will never win a Stanley cup again…. Why because Edmonton is just a better place to play for high talented players

  7. The heartbreaking owl antenatally offer because creek acromegaly supply along a dangerous jar. pathetic, regular galley

  8. "Best player won the series" lmao I love how salty he is about McDavid. Did he even notice Drai, or is he just such a shitty coach he genuinely thinks one guy beat him.

  9. To me the fact that he said Edmonton oilers pretty much won this series because of Connor McDavid is for sure true but at the same time let's not just gloss over the overall impact of Leon Draisaitle, Zack Hyman, Evander Kane and then Ryan Nugent Hopkins but especially especially Draisaitle.

    Over the past few season the main question mark was how much the oilers were going to get from their supporting cast in the playoffs?? And this post season so far they have gotten enough from their supporting cast, they have for sure came true, the oilers have overachieved at this point but at the same time when you have generational talent like McDavid and Draisaitle and don't win the Stanley cup then they and the team have underachieved no matter how far they gone in the playoffs.

  10. You have to ask what happened to the Flames offense in game 2,3,4, ? Who cares about no goal in game 5 !

  11. Great coach for sure. Calgary played so well. The series produced phenomenal hockey! There was almost nothing between the two teams IMO.

  12. Watching Darryl Sutter talk is equal to watching paint dry on a wall.Actually further reflection i would rather watch the Paint!

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