@Flames de Calgary

Apparemment, Rick Ball s’est cassé la jambe parce qu’il poursuivait une pie qui lui avait volé son sandwich. La fracture était la cause de son embolie pulmonaire.

Apparemment, Rick Ball s’est cassé la jambe parce qu’il poursuivait une pie qui lui avait volé son sandwich. La fracture était la cause de son embolie pulmonaire.



  1. DekeKneePulls

    I know it’s a serious matter but I can’t help but laugh at the image. Sounds like Rick is out of the woods and should be back soon.

    He got a little emotional while talking about the experience. Can’t wait to hear him do the play-by-play again!

  2. Straight-Plate-5256

    That sounds like such a Rick thing to do, hope he recovers quick we miss him and wish the best for him

  3. Synyster_Suds

    Classic Rick moment right there. I don’t know him or anything, but if someone on the street told me that story I’d still think, « Classic Rick Ball, always trying to get his sandwich back. »

  4. lIlIllIlIlI

    Where is this magpie??? Take me to that son of a bitch, nobody messes with our boy Rick!!

    Typical though, this is why those fuckers didn’t win “Calgary’s Official Bird”.

    Edit: excited to have Rick (and Kelly) back soon, love those guys.

  5. orangeoliviero

    This is such an epic story. I’m dying laughing.

    Glad to hear he’s ok.

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