@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les Maple Leafs de Toronto sont un CATASTROPHE…

#nhl #hockey #torontomapleleafs Les feuilles s’effondrent et ça fait longtemps…


  1. Ever since 3 of those embarrassments got 10mil- 15mil a yr they stopped playing hockey.. why care about playing anymore when their future is set ?? I honestly
    Wouldn’t give 2 shits about hockey anymore if I was a rookie making 12mil

  2. I don't buy "it's only 9 games in". The tickets aren't any cheaper. Take a look at what Marchand and Pastrnak are doing. By comparison Mathews and Marner are just over paid ballerinas. Renegotiate their contracts so the Leafs can afford experienced defensemen and 2 respectable goal tenders because that's what you need to stand a chance in todays NHL.

  3. Folks, it's the Toronto Maple Laffs. They are absolute chokers when it comes to playoff time, they are just showing it a little bit earlier this season. Cripes, they have inter squad games at training camp and the Leaf fans start getting Yonge St ready for a Cup parade. Can you tell I am a HABS fan. Sad, with all the so called talent they have, time for a shake up and I do not mean fire the coach. I might give Matthews a tryout for my House League team here in Kitchener, his self-importance might get him cut from the team right off the bat.
    Sad, sad so sad.

  4. The fans are to blame. Pure and simple. If the seats are paid for, nothing will change. When the seats are empty and not paid for perhaps the leaf organization will focus on winning. Until that happens it is "Golf Leafs Golf".

  5. Players, do not see the burning desire to succeed. Problem, overpaid at the top and not enough money to go around at the bottom. Saw this 4 years ago. Time to let a few others at the top go elsewhere. The NHL needs to stop pushing individual stars when you operate a team sport ….. this not golf…..unless you change it up to a full contact golf on ice.

  6. The minute Dubas became GM & Lou Lamoriello left the organization, the babying began. If Lou had of been in charge, Nylander would still be over in Sweden with no contract, 6 years later. Johnny T would be making 12+ million in another city disappointing fans with his best hockey long behind him. I won’t get started on Mitch & Matty.

  7. yo dude it's a pro hockey league team..,. its the players… lopl yeah its the ncoah hahahahahah, no the fans hehehehahahahahahaha lol

  8. Why ANYONE would accept a coaching position on this joke of a hockey ‘team’ is beyond me. I’d rather chew glass.👎🏾

  9. The problem with the Leafs is everything. The players, coaching, management, the fans, all of this is the problem. I got one word for the leafs, “NUKE”! Start firing people and start trading away players that don’t want to be there.

  10. They need better goalies, replacing Campbell with Murray was a huge mistake. At least it looks that way at the moment. They have no cap space, so they need to dump someone… Tavares if they can, but if not then Nylander for a top RD to play with Rielly. Seth Jones in Chicago or Matthew Dumba in Minnesota come to mind.

    They could also trade away Muzzin or Holl— Muzzin is always injured and Holl is inconsistent without him. Sandin and Liljegren can step in on the bottom pairing and they can match Giordano and Brodie up.

  11. Its easy to blame one person but its never really that simple in a situation like this. There’s a lot of factors that play into this. Upper management is weak and they let the players jerk them around. But if the players could have at least managed winning a round. The situation could be completely different right now. All this losing has gotten to the team’s head. They look lost and purposeless and it’s not hard to grasp when they have to go through the grind of another gruelling 82 game season with the thought of another first round exit gnawing at the back of their minds. At the end of the day, this core has gone as far as it can. They dont trust the coach and they dont even trust each other. Its time for a shakeup

  12. Sens fan here. If (and that's a big 'if') we actually go to the playoffs this year, we won't let the Leafs win even 2 games. It would be just the first one, then we'll sweep the rest. You heard it first here.

  13. Start with Dubas and Shanahan after the last 2 round 1 early exits , where they decided to brush off warnings that your star players were not up to the tasks, Keef is like a yes mam to the star players , pretty much Mathew's and Marner's bitch, and then of course your over payed players who are eating up the cap. Clear house starting with Dubas.

  14. Instead of letting the meals get to their head they should be using it as fuel but they are soft asf

  15. THANK YOU FINALY !!!!! he lost the room ! keefe is a good coach but it happens n it's time to get a new guy. keefe will have a new job in no time.

  16. I blame the whole toxic Maple Leafs fanbase and media! No wonder They fail year after year when the fanbase and media complains and are all experts after a few bad games… I really believe the players do wanna win and all have success. But its probably to hard for them rn. They have to much expectations and its just a mess right now!

  17. Its not a coincidence the leafs fail year after year, changing players/coaches… Its the toxic fans…

  18. The freaking candy ass players. R at fault. They not worth the money. They get.. Truth. Time to remove some of them. Sent them down

  19. The Greed of the core players on this team has killed any chance of this team winning…Along with Dubas and his moronic cap suffocating contract negotiating…and his obsession with signing hundreds of guys that are 5 foot tall 130 lbs…And no grit whatsoever…I bet Babcock is laughing his ass off right now.

  20. Alternative title: Mitch the Bitch and the Leafs are being stupid butt plugs again

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