@Blues de Saint-Louis

31 octobre : Entrevues d’après-match

L’entraîneur-chef des Blues Craig Berube s’adresse aux médias après une défaite de 5-1 contre les Kings de Los Angeles le 31 octobre 2022.


  1. We arnt doing good right now but Yk what we had this happen when we won the cup I have hope I love u guys and good luck throughout the rest of the year

  2. Just not good enough. Team was flat again tonight. Someone out there needs to get pissed and start playing with some energy and emotion.

    OReilly, you’re the captain of the this team! Time to start holding guys accountable for piss poor efforts like tonight! Might be time for a players only meeting to find out who actually wants to be out there. And if someone doesn’t want to be out there and give maximum effort then their ass needs to be shipped out of town. We’re sick of it!

  3. Man, to think people saved up and got a babysitter and drove downtown for that. Sorry guys.

  4. The team needs to step up, play rough, play hard, and get mad in a sense of way to win deeply. I want them to imagine that every game that they’re going to play will be their last or be the winning game for the Stanley cup. A lot of veterans on this team really need to step up, to guide the new players to winning, to show how good our team can really be. We’re not out of it yet, we’ve still got the future to come, but they have to earn it. I hope these boys don’t stop trying after just getting one Stanley cup. We’re rooting for you Blues, so root for yourself.

  5. The top 6 forwards and the defense is just awful. Has anyone seen our captain? And don’t get me started on Kyrou. Never should have given him that contract for only being good for half a season last year. And I’m not sure why Armstrong thought that just signing Leddy would be enough for our defense. They were awful last year and just as awful again this year. A lot of money tied up in defensemen that can’t play defense.

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