@Oilers d'Edmonton

Podcast « Oilers with Show Time winner over the Preds » de The Cult of Hockey

Faisons cela! Le balado Cult of Hockey. Par les fidèles et pour les fidèles, ce soir avec Bruce McCurdy et David Staples. Ils creusent dans la victoire 7-4 d’Edmonton sur les Preds de Nashville.


  1. 1134p Cult of hockey is back. Five game winning streak. Connor. Leon and Evander shine.

  2. I missed the game I was helping a friend of mine who has cancer set his apartment up but I was able to see the highlights. Glad the Oilers won!

  3. Oh the humanity!" Dria's passing..wow. Right up there with Adam Oats, and not far off Gretzkys level. I liked how JP took that attack at the end of the game. He's no fighter (So far), but he handled it a lot better then in the past. Also so nice to see Sundin doing some coaching.

  4. I can't believe(I mean I can) that once you think McDavid is gonna be the beast of the night Drai drops a 5 point night to one-up McDavid! Gottdam, you guys are lucky to have "bar-none" the 2 best players in the NHL. Lucky fucks.

  5. Holloway should be on the 4th line but should be slotted throughout the line up to get him to at least 10 minutes a night!

  6. What a game by McDavid and Drai. Also thought McLeod and Holloway looked great. Soros kept them in it; we could've scored a couple more.

  7. I hope Nashville turns it around and we play them in the first round of the playoffs.

  8. Mic issues again Bruce. Could barely hear you. Other than that, 👍
    Good win! Keep em coming!

  9. Campbell hasn’t quite got going yet, fortunately there’s a god squad in front of him to get wins while he sorts it out. I’m fully confident he’ll get rolling, it’s just taking a little while. No biggie. Go Oilers.

  10. Campbell is shaky, defense sucks, we can't expect to let 4 in and score 7 every game. Defense needs to be addressed. But, happy for the win. Kraken should be a challenge.

  11. Puljajarvi was the girl from finding Nemo, and his girlfriend was Nemo in a bag of water.

  12. Jesse and his woman were Darla and nemo, from finding nemo. Even boomers should of seen "finding nemo"??

  13. Great game, great analysis but David, Bruce, could you please balance your audio levels. Either David is too loud or Bruce sounds like he's in a closet. I watch/listen to every CoH video or podcast but it's become work constantly raising or lowering the volume. Regardless, thanks for the content.

  14. Love your analysis!

    It'd be great to be able to hear Bruce sometimes too. His volume seems 3x lower.

  15. Do this fellas….hard to hear Bruce…..Thank you guys for giving the fans a place to go and plug in….. Davo and Bruceeee are my stars of the game.

  16. David your coughing continuously on every podcast is unprofessional and unclassy. Take some god damn cough syrup and spare is of your outbursts

  17. Campbell creates a lot of those dangerous chances for the opposition himself.

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