@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[LeafsJellyHD] TOUR DU CHAPEAU DE JOHN TAVARES contre les Flyers de Philadelphie grâce à Joe Bowen et Jim Ralph.

[LeafsJellyHD] TOUR DU CHAPEAU DE JOHN TAVARES contre les Flyers de Philadelphie grâce à Joe Bowen et Jim Ralph.



  1. twofactorial

    man if there is going to be a turning point to this crappy start its gotta be this performance by JT tonight

    this is textbook definition of leading by example what a night for 91

  2. mgnorthcott

    I needed this. Feed it directly into my veins!

  3. Marcucc10

    It’s criminal that Joe is on the radio.

  4. Piggynatz

    It’s right in front of the net, Ralphie! God I love these guys.

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