@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Vente imminente des coyotes de l’Arizona

Vente imminente des Coyotes de l’Arizona Discuter de la vente en cours et des rumeurs de vente des Coyotes de l’Arizona. Nouveau propriétaire et cela aura-t-il un impact sur leurs plans de plafond salarial. Peuvent-ils rester en Arizona ou verront la NHL Houston. Le conseil des gouverneurs de la LNH votera le 19 juin si la propriété change. Verrons-nous NHL Relocation , il y a eu de nombreuses rumeurs de NHL Relocation selon lesquelles une équipe de la LNH se retrouverait à Houston. Le nouveau propriétaire sera Alex Meruelo. Restez à l’écoute de Top Shelf Hockey pour plus de mises à jour. TSH Merch Store : https://shop.spreadshirt.com/top-shelf-hockey Rejoignez TSH sur Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/topshelfhockey Liens vers les réseaux sociaux : Twitter : https://twitter.com/topshelfhkyvids Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/topshelfhockeyvideos Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/topshelfhockeyvideos Abonnez-vous ici : https://www.youtube.com/topshelfhockey Continuez à regarder Top Shelf Hockey : Musique utilisée dans ce vidéo : http://www.audiohero.com/ Track Info : MusicSports Video Vignette créée avec https://www.canva.com


  1. Let me know your thoughts on the pending sale of the Coyotes…can this new owner make it work or will they be forced to move?

  2. Every time I hear more ownership news about The Coyotes I feel they are less and less important to Arizona long term meanwhile Houston is more than happy to add a team.

  3. I hope the Arizona have to relocate I hope it comes to Houston I'm not a football fan basketball or baseball fan I'd only like hockey so please let Houston get a hockey team

  4. It wouldn’t effect the division alignment if they moved to Houston. When Seattle comes into the league, they were going to move the Coyotes to the central and a Houston team would definitely be in the central.

  5. I live in Phoenix and will tell everyone that they need to move the stadium from the West Valley to either downtown Phoenix or to the East Valley in Scottsdale or Tempe.
    While I think Tempe would be the best option, for attendance reasons, IDK if that city could handle a professional team with how much it has been built up.

    I really think if they can get it close to Mill Ave, or close to Old Town Scottsdale, they can have an unique atmosphere and experience similar to how Vegas has the Strip and Nashville has Broadway.
    Essentially, it's LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION into why the Coyotes can't sell out!
    There's NO WAY I'm going to sit in traffic for 90 minutes driving westbound on i10 one way to go to a Tuesday night Coyotes game after work. Many others share this sentiment…

  6. Lucky Coyotes. Why couldn't it be Ottawa getting new ownership.😁😓

  7. I am excited to see what the future holds for the Coyotes. Initially, the new owner would have to research the team's viability in the angry hot Arizona sun. You mentioned that Meruelo is a construction business owner, which is a bonus, if case he builds a new arena or has to modify one. lol. Maybe there is a 24 year Winnipeg curse, in which the team will never settle in one area for longer than 24 years. look it up: the jets were founded in '72, and moved to Phoenix in '96… 24 years later. 2020 will be 24 years… just saying!

  8. The biggest issue with the Coyotes, other than the location of Gila River Arena, is the lack of engagement by the team in the community. In the past they sponsored an outdoor Roller Hockey rink in Glendale. But they've focused almost entirely on ice hockey. When they stopped supporting roller & ice hockey in the community, the fan base dried up. Austin Matthews is a prime example. He was lucky enough to become interested in hockey during a time when the Yotes were actively engaged with the community. He played both ice in the winter, and indoor roller in the summer. There has been a little bit more activity with the team over the last couple of years. They've built a couple of outdoor rinks, but I couldn't even tell you where. It's some kind of secret I guess. If you don't get the kids interested in both roller and ice hockey early, they won't have anything more than a passive interest. If you get them playing ball hockey, then roller, and finally, ice, you'll have a fan for life. I fell in love with the sport when I was 7 and got to go to an Ohio State Buckeyes game against Michigan. I was hooked when I fished a broken stick out of the trash. The blade and lower shaft were fine, but the shaft had splintered off about halfway up. I sanded the shit out of it & wrapped up the entire shaft with duct tape. I learned to stick handle and shoot with that thing. If not for that broken stick and the OSU game I went to, I wouldn't be a fan today. I'd probably like basketball in the winter. Or worse yet, soccer!

  9. This is a little snippet form a article from AzCentral.com written back on November 15, 2017. "The Coyotes-Salt River Tribe's relationship would be enhanced by a new majority owner for the hockey franchise, LaCava said. 

    "The contacts that I've been able to talk to strongly suggested that if another deep pocketed owner were to gobble up the Coyotes, there would be significant interest in an arena at Talking Stick (near the Arizona Diamondbacks' spring training complex)," LaCava said, complimenting the Talking Stick leadership." I don't know if they would still be interested. But it dose give me hope. Let's go Yotes!

  10. Move them to move the coyotes to Quebec City Hamilton or Halifax or Hartford just Sabres fan any of those cities deserve a hockey team more than Arizona it hasn't worked out move them to Canada or to the Northeast USA

  11. The Coyotes have overstayed their stay in AZ. 20 years of embarassing weak attendances, low tv ratings, numerous ownership changes, and so much turmoil in between. I hope that if the Flames or Senators would ever relocate, they'd get at least 20 years notice.

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