@Rangers de New York





  1. LafreniereInNY

    Like, does anyone really think he’s come anywhere close to being worth 8M and the captain of the franchise? Thats hockey defense 101 man.

  2. wrecksphord

    I mean he was our entire team identity through the first rounds of the playoffs. Doesn’t quite warrant the cost but he’s been a workhorse.

  3. bbistheman

    Conveniently cutting off the part where Miller chases the puck to the blue line leading to us having 1 defenceman back on this play. Has Trouba been good? No, but it’s insanely annoying how every other defenceman is immune to criticism on this sub.

  4. Tommybrady20

    If he’d hit the open market today he’d get 4 x $5 and that’s even including the “grit tax”

    His contract is single-handedly gonna cost us lindgren or chytil in a year or two.

  5. SortaRican4

    It’s frustrating how bad he’s been. He was definitely better than this for most of last year so i’m optimistic.

  6. Nyrfan2017

    It’s amazing that he has done that a million times since being in ny I would always say something and get bashed .. finally people seeing it .. his contract it awful and we will loss a young player for cap reasons and keep him.. but oh look at the big open ice hits he does.. yeah those are nice but not winnning them games

  7. 1m_Lurking_Here

    You guys are so ridiculous.

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