@Canadiens de Montréal

Suis-je le seul à penser que Chicago a abandonné Dach bien trop tôt ? J’ai l’impression que Dach peut potentiellement devenir un solide top 6 et un point par joueur également. Il n’a que 21 ans et Chicago a abandonné si vite ?

Suis-je le seul à penser que Chicago a abandonné Dach bien trop tôt ? J’ai l’impression que Dach peut potentiellement devenir un solide top 6 et un point par joueur également. Il n’a que 21 ans et Chicago a abandonné si vite ?



  1. jadenspan

    they definitely gave up fast, i think his ceiling is 60+ points and a solid play driver

  2. Neo_514

    They also gave up on DeBrincat for some reason, very weird way to rebuild.

  3. ateaseottawa

    Philly will be really, really, freaky good, in 2040

  4. dadoudelidou

    Not sure about PPG but the guy shows great great promises.

    I was kinda scared this summer when it took forever to sign him and i’ve seen an interview where he looked less than happy to be traded. I was kinda pissed we missed Nazar for him.

    Than, he started playing for us and every once of doubt went away. GOD DAMN the kid can skate and force a rush to the offensive zone. Love what i see so far and he genuinely look like he likes it here .

  5. ChillinRaccoon

    They just decided to start from scratch, I mean literally from zero. In a few year they will have no former players at all and only high draft picks mixed with veterans on bad contracts that they got paid to take. Dach would be in his prime at this point, so it doesnt fit their plan.

    Then it’s the long process of losing a whole lot till you get good enough with picks and development. At this point the length of the rebuild depends mostly on luck

    Tbh I think it’s quite sad for the fans, they didn’t even consider another way, they just went all in on the tank. Its even more sad for the players who will lose A LOT and miss playoffs for years.

    I just feel there must be another way in modern NHL to have a good team with parity and all, but who am I to say

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