@Bruins de Boston

Don Sweeney à propos des Bruins SIGNATURE Prospect controversé Mitchell Miller | Disponibilité des médias

BOSTON, MA – Le directeur général des Bruins, Don Sweeney, s’est adressé aux médias après que les Bruins de Boston aient signé l’espoir controversé Mitchell Miller. Miller a été libéré par les Coyotes de l’Arizona peu de temps après avoir été repêché en 2020 après avoir été reconnu coupable d’avoir intimidé un camarade de classe handicapé en 2016. ————————– ————————————————– ————————————————– —— Bienvenue sur la chaîne YouTube du #CLNS Media Network pour le hockey des #Bruins de Boston. CLNS Media est le principal fournisseur en ligne de couverture audio/vidéo des sports de Boston. Obtenez un accès intérieur complet aux Bruins au TD Garden, aux patins du jour du match au Warrior et partout sur la route. Les initiés accrédités de CLNS #NHLBruins Mike « Trags » Petraglia, Evan Marinofski, Sierra Goodwill et Connor Ryan du Boston Sports Journal. Fournir des nouvelles et des analyses instantanées en temps réel, ainsi qu’un accès complet aux vidéos complètes des joueurs, des entraîneurs, des propriétaires et de tous les autres sur Causeway Street. Pour les Celtics, les Patriots, les Red Sox, les College Hoops, l’histoire de la NBA primés par le CLNS, rendez-vous ici pour les chaînes en vedette – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiP7KyKodc3OHuN_XhEyPPw?sub_confirmation=1


  1. Everyone is acting like they’ve never been given a second chance. I hate the kid for his history but let’s get Mitchell an opportunity to show and teach the importance of humanity. 8th grade brings out the worst in kids. I hope the kid can set an example.

  2. Beating the crap out of a mentally handicapped black kid for years! Total psychopath that doesnt belong on the national stage.

  3. Why would you suck the life out of a historic start to a season by signing this racist piece of crap?

    He mentally and physically tortured a disabled child for YEARS and had NO remorse for it. He sent an instagram direct message to the victim just recently AFTER he was in talks with NHL teams which shows it was self-serving and not heart felt. If someone physically and emotionally tortured one of Sweeney’s children for years but then sent a instagram message saying “my bad” he’d be fine with hiring them? Sure…

    I am fifty years old and a lifelong Bruins fan, but I will boo this piece of garbage every time he takes the ice if it ever happens and I hope Evander Kane and R. Reaves pummel this fool senseless any chance they get if he takes the ice.

    Sweeney is clueless and needs to go…

  4. A non-Bruins fan here, get this kid out of the team/organization. Miller has never even acknowledged, and personally apologize to the family and their disabled child who got bullied. Lastly, just fire Sweeney he's no use to the organization. Please feel free to correct me; if there's any misinformation/facts that I missed

  5. The questions by the reporters in this video are so ridiculous. How long does a kid have to pay for being a dickhead as a teenager? The amount of consternation and attention paid to this story has far surpassed the "crime" at this point. If he was a dentist or an accountant he could have moved on with his life and had a very successful and lucrative career and nobody would have been constantly reminding him of how heinous he was as a hormonal kid.

  6. The Bruins may be one of the few organizations in the NHL that can work with this player to atone for past sins, become sorry for what he did in his youth, make efforts to apologize and amend; and reform his life and playing career. The comments I see here do not consider a way forward to reconciliation, but the decision clearly was to make a good try. I am hopeful.

  7. So Miller reached out in the past week via Instagram but said it was not about hockey. Miller physically and verbally abused him for yrs even after the urinal assault. He never apologized and the victim's mom thinks it's b.s.. The entire NHL and hockey culture and men are a stain on humanity. Don Sweeney and Cam Neely should be fired immediately

  8. Don Sweeney lied to the press. Mitchell Miller has not apologized or reached out to the victim or his family. And what he did was not a single incident at 14, he tortured his victim mentally and physically for years after that urinal candy incident. He is an evil person and the fact that Sweeney can look past that is deplorable. Sweeney deserves to lose his job for this

  9. For anyone saying it isn’t a big deal, what if this was your sibling, or your child? His own mother says this situation hasn’t been made right. This is going to be a morale cancer to the locker room.

    What did he do following being fired from the Coyotes to make this situation right? This disgusting bullying happened over years, not once. As far as we’ve been made aware, he apologized only AFTER he began talks with the Bruins and was forced to by the courts. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.

  10. Well Don if you can't make better decisions than this the fans really don't want you and we don't want him. I'd rather lose than have some horrible scumbag playing on the team. And in the city there's a lot of support for special Olympics and I don't think he would really fit in here at all. I don't know how you came up with this hairbrained idea right when your team is doing really well and things are in a good role you got to throw a big negative into everything. Obviously this kid was not brought up well and has some major problems we don't want them we don't want to see his next problem happen here in Boston whatever that's going to be need that these kind of people are very disruptive for proteins and have done no good for Boston sports at all. Bad decision Don.

  11. You're lying these mistakes will not made when he was 14 these mistakes were made throughout his elementary and middle school life and even high school. He made this mistake for many years. He was not brought up right he does not think right he's a twisted individual. He's not good for the team.

  12. These "adults" need to grow the heck up. A 30 minute video on this? Get over it, we ALL get bullied. The kid was 14 – A KID. Why JUVENILE RECORDS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE SEALED. We parents would be more than HAPPY to remind you of your 14 year old disgusting manners and habits. Sounds like a family just might want more than an apology from a new NHL pro$pect.

  13. Boston is off to their greatest start in FRANCHISE HISTORY! How can we possibly fuck this up? Don Sweeney: "Hold my beer!"

  14. Starts with a lie, nothing good can come out of it. This is shady and a very bad move by management. Boo Sweeney!

  15. I remember when the Patriots were dumb enough to draft Christian Peter, the late, great Myra Kraft was OUTRAGED when she heard the allegations against him. Bob Kraft ordered the GM to cut him the next day. If Cam Neely has even a modicum of decency and an instinct for self-preservation, he will order that Sweeney do the same. We all know that Boston has a history of racism because it's a segregated city where Irish immigrants and African Americans were pitted against each other by the blue bloods. As long as the Irish and blacks were fighting, nobody went after the old Yankees on Beacon Hill.

  16. Back to, WTF was Sweeney thinking ??? This is WRONG ON SO MANY LEVELS to see him wearing the uniform, I'm disgusted with the organization. You would think the Jacobs would have nixted this. Its a disgrace to the Bruins and the City of Boston, even the Coyotes knew better and they need the talent.

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