@Maple Leafs de Toronto

LFR16 – Jeu 11 – IK3A – PHI 2, TOR 5

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  1. Steve have you noticed that Marner is slow this year? He was so tenacious before this year. It almost looks like he has gotten heavier and lost some speed. Maybe he’s battling an injury ?

  2. Dangle sounds like Carl Spackler when he's doing his John Tavares IKEA bit lol

  3. "Building Ikea Furniture with John Tavares" needs to become a regular skit in every LFR this season.

  4. Yep. I knew Vasy was about to be in Dang-it’s this week. I watched that happen live lol. It happens to the best of em.

  5. JT needs more hat tricks just for these IK3A videos…and how are you not sponsored by IK3A already???

  6. You’re not a player to switch your number 🤣🤣

  7. Steve, after you ate the cereal… did it help you score in men's league? Asking for a freind 😖

  8. You know Steve, for the longest time I could never pick a team. Being from Florida, we have small hockey scenes here and there. I have to drive 50 mins to play at my local rink in West Palm. Everyone around here is a lightning or panthers fan. I could never get on either wagon. Idk, maybe it’s the jerseys or Florida fans of anything are just gross. I’ve flirted with several teams to throw my hat in for the past 20 years, but I just couldn’t find one. After watching your passion for the Leafs, and reading the passion from others in the Leaf community, I’m happy to say that I bought a Toronto hat yesterday. Congratulations, you convinced a lazy Florida adult leaguer to join the blue army.

  9. My LA Kings lost last night to a goalie who was 0-3-1! I penciled it in as an L when I saw that

  10. number 9 ….number 9…..kennedy vibes on the 5th of november..you heard it first..GO LEAFS GO!

  11. why are the Leafs always out hit!! Every Game!!! Philadelphia the night before vs the Rangers, flyers had 14 hits the whole game. Vs the Leafs 17 hits in THE FIRST PERIOD!!! 45 hits in totals vs 31 for the Leafs. Puck possession is part of it i guess

  12. Hey Steve did you ever notice Pfizer stated they never tested their vax to see if it stopped transmission? Do you feel used by your government?

  13. Correction: 10-1 Boston Bruins.
    Johnny T doin' a little offseason dabbling in psychology because he got Sanheim right in his mind, in the mind! That second goal from Tavares was frikkin' awesome!
    Now bring on Saturday night! Bruins vs. Maple Leafs!
    Let's Goooo!

  14. One & Done Buddy!!!! Been a Leaf's fan longer than you've been alive! This team is going absolutely nowhere! Coach Stinks! GM Stinks! …and Shanahan is looking more like Joe Biden these days than Joe Biden! Compare this D' to the D' squad of the Avs of last year! That is how far we are from seeing a Stanley Cup! SO …. Can we stop sugar coating the situation at hand?

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