@Bruins de Boston

Les Bruins de Boston signent un contrat d’entrée avec Mitchell Miller

Les Bruins de Boston ont surpris le monde du hockey aujourd’hui avec la signature controversée de l’ancien choix au repêchage des Coyotes de l’Arizona, Mitchell Miller. Dans cette vidéo, je donne mon avis sur les raisons pour lesquelles les Bruins ont amené ce joueur dans l’organisation. Je repense aussi au passé de Miller sur et hors de la glace. Enfin, je parle de la façon dont l’histoire du repêchage de Don Sweeney est un facteur important dans la signature de Mitchell Miller avec les Bruins.


  1. Everyone deserves a second chance after making huge mistakes as a young teenager. One thing is for sure…. He's going to have to prove he's a changed person every day of his contract.

  2. Stupid move. Very damaging to the team, player morale and to the organization overall. The players will be interviewed and asked about his. Are they supposed to support this? How does that make them look? And what happens if they are honest and don't support this? This is going to create controversy and division within the team. What a bone head move for a team giving one last shot with this core.

  3. bruins fans need to boo this player every time he is on ice- we need the fans to kick him out- miller, youre a dirt bag- get out of boston

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