@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Faits saillants de la LNH | Sabres contre Hurricanes – 4 novembre 2022

Sebastian Aho a enregistré son cinquième tour du chapeau en carrière, Martin Necas a ajouté un but et deux aides, et les Hurricanes de la Caroline ont vaincu les Sabres de Buffalo 5-3.


  1. It’s weird for a goalie to break his stick while simultaneously sealing the dub. Haha

  2. Да , бизоны сегодня проиграли, но они в очередной раз дали понять, что настроены сражаться в каждом матче и с любым соперником до конца. Обсолютно равная игра, у Каролины не было ни какого преимущества, просто им чуть больше повезло. А Грэнато и Буффало надо поработать над большенством, ибо оно у них печально выглядит. Если-бы они его использовали сегодня, то победа была бы за бизонами. Let's go Buffalo🐃

  3. The flames are the best team the flames have won more Stanley cups then these too teams and the flames have won more Stanley cups then any other team in the nhl

  4. Sabres looked like the team that played last night. Other than early on, the Sabres were outworked by the Hurricanes. Not a bad effort, but the better team won.

  5. I definitely do not watch every team but it is hard not to say that Martin Necas is the most improved player in the NHL this year.

  6. What an entertaining game. Both teams are great to watch, and a treat for the neutral fan!

  7. Anderson was far better than his stats will show for this game. Good for him to still be playing at such a high level at his age.

  8. The media wanted new york to win this game. the government wanted new york to win this game. Guess what. YOU LOSE.

  9. Aho was just filthy this game! The patience on his spin o rama assist was a piece of work! The sabres all just left him to go look for their jockstraps😂. Don't play the body sabres, it's funny. Keep it up!

  10. Carolina has been a team of 4 forwards so far this season. Bottom two lines are doing nothing but Aho, Svech, and Necas are playing on another level right now. Jarvis is taking full advantage of playing on Aho’s wing as well.

    It’s amazing to watch, but also really worries me.

  11. Sabres were pretty sloppy in this game against a solid team. Still missing 3 starting D so need to clean that up with them out.

  12. Нападение Каролины объективно сильнее.
    Нападающие Баффало сборище дуболомов. Цель одна – затащить шайбу до щитков вратаря, а потом затолкать её в ворота вместе с вратарём.

  13. Рано петь дифирамбы Баффало, как оказалось.Но выглядят лучше, чем в прошлом сезоне.

  14. of course, when I bet on buffalo to win and finish my parlay they can't hold a lead..

  15. When Aho is in the zone he's in the zone. It's like he's about to score in every shift. Dude has some fast legs, great hockey IQ and deadly shot.

  16. anyone got a timetable on samuelsson and jokiharju.. they need those guys.

  17. Watching Dahlin slowly turning into a superstar is lovely but he is not a fighter yet, that's for sure. Not a huge surprise it was a Finnish player hitting him though. LoL

  18. Do any of these millionaire players ever think of not breaking a $300 stick and just give it away?

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