@Bruins de Boston

Pourquoi les Bruins ont-ils signé Mitchell Miller? | Pique l’ours

Conor Ryan du Boston Sports Journal et Evan Marinofsky du New England Hockey Journal discutent de la signature des Bruins avec Mitchell Miller. Pourquoi les Bruins se chargeraient-ils de changer Miller? Les gars entrent également dans la production de Nick Foligno, Hampus Lindholm devenant un défenseur n ° 1 et le bogue des blessures a touché le fond. Poke The Bear avec Conor Ryan Ep. 120 ————————————————- ————————————————– ——————————— Bienvenue sur la chaîne YouTube du #CLNS Media Network pour le hockey des #Bruins de Boston. CLNS Media est le principal fournisseur en ligne de couverture audio/vidéo des sports de Boston. Obtenez un accès intérieur complet aux Bruins au TD Garden, aux patins du jour du match au Warrior et partout sur la route. Les initiés accrédités de CLNS #NHLBruins Mike « Trags » Petraglia, Evan Marinofski, Sierra Goodwill et Connor Ryan du Boston Sports Journal. Fournir des nouvelles et des analyses instantanées en temps réel, ainsi qu’un accès complet aux vidéos complètes des joueurs, des entraîneurs, des propriétaires et de tous les autres sur Causeway Street. Pour les Celtics, les Patriots, les Red Sox, les College Hoops, l’histoire de la NBA primés par le CLNS, rendez-vous ici pour les chaînes en vedette – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiP7KyKodc3OHuN_XhEyPPw?sub_confirmation=1


  1. We've all been wrong so far on Foligno, to our thrill! Your points that he's been able to workout, and just not rehab injuries, are spot on! Thoughts on him getting more offensive freedom from Montgomery, and not being drilled down on for defensive responsibility like Coach Cassidy did? Reminds me of the criticism that David Backes commented upon after leaving the Bruins, and perhaps Foligno feels unleashed? I seem to recall him making a politically correct statement to that effect last season. Hoping he continues to play "unleashed"! Keep the collar off the BEAR!

  2. Leafs should be a walkover for the Bruins. Are they starting Swayman? To me Ullmark has looked more consistent and confident. It is a full 82 game season to decide but I think the Fin has the edge to start the season.🥁

  3. He hasn’t done anything to deserve a second chance. He hasn’t really shown any remorse for what he did. Bergeron sounded so unhappy when he was interviewed

  4. Time to use cognitive reasoning. A person who commits violent deeds such as murder can get a four-year sentence & get his/her life back. In the biggest picture some Muslims hated that Jews exist & became their staunchest supporters as they matured. I hope that the former 14-year-old becomes such a case. I certainly pray that all Souls find that we are all brothers despite our differences.

  5. When the team gets back home 37 should March into Sweenys office and kick his @$$.

  6. Kids deserve a second chance for making mistakes as an eight grader. What better organization than the one that has built upon the foundation Chara laid. You two are disgusting for burying people forever for mistakes made that young. He didn’t run and hide from his actions. He has taken ownership and committed to changing

  7. Look at all the holier-than-thous out there. Clearly, the Bruins felt that he was remorseful. Should we prevent this kid from ever earning a living?

  8. Good takes boys, completely agree on the miller signing. Would rather have the worst prospect pool in the league filled with good guys then the 3rd worst in the league with a terrible human being.

  9. Pastrnak isn't signed, but we signed Miller, I've been saying for years that Sweeney should be fired!
    For every good move he makes, he makes 2-3 bad moves!

  10. The way you are smearing this kid you are no better than he is. Would you have the guts to say it to his face?

  11. A couple points about Sweeney.
    He said he doesn't know if he could forgive this guy if it was his kid, and that it wasn't ultimately his desicion.

    Yet it is his job to defend this desicion. I just get the sense that he wasn't thrilled to be in the position he was in yesterday

  12. i said it before and this just adds to my theory. Sweeney has post concussion syndrome and should not be in the position he is in. Some days his brain doesnt function properly

  13. What a great way to kill all the good things the Bruins are doing this year. Instead of talking about the team now we have to listen to this BS, and rightly so. Sweeney, and Neely really F'd up here. WTF were they thinking with this signing? Oh right trying to cover up for Sweeney's pathetic drafting record and our baron farm system. I'm all for second chances, but this guy is a bad dude, and doesn't deserve one with the Bruins. I really can't believe these fools did this to the team.

  14. Guys I was a middle school safety security officer for 3 years

    I assure you Mitchell is not the first and only aweful 14 year old. I have seen utter savagery from kids of all races and genders.

    There is something less than fully human inside the mind of a preteenager. Just because you haven't heard of this type of behavior does not mean that it's special to Mitchell.

    I don't know about the rest of the stuff about his remorse or him changing.

    But I can tell you this much, if you could go to your current school district and look through the security records…

    You would be blown away by the monstrous behavior some kids are capable of.

    I don't like the idea of Mitchell being in the NHL, and I really hate that he's with our team

    But I also know that there is something to 14 year old kids in group situations becoming almost Nazi like in Thier behavior towards other kids

    I could tell you nightmare stories

  15. The kid absolutely deserves second chance as many adults commit violent heinous crimes and get a second chance. A plethora of athletes have done a lot worse and were given a second chance. All of you phony holy than thou fools get over yourself. Mitchell could become a valuable advocate speaking out against this type of violence!

  16. Everyone thinking they need to pretend they care about this. Yes it was terrible… should his life be over? Should we kill him yr after yr? Nope

  17. No upside to this conor? So if he turns out unreal u still dont want him? So he lives w this tha legit rest of his life? Joke

  18. This signing has brought on a Dark Cloud over the Bruins team, Every one is Bummed out and disappointed when we should be So Happy about the 10 & 1 start! Instead im hearing fans making arrangements to cancel their season tickets! WTF! Im going back to bed, maybe its just a bad dream, nope, its real man

  19. Well Don Sweeney you wanted to be a SOB well now you really are a SOB. I hope you lose your job over this and take Cam with you… Lets hope

  20. I'm glad they signed him. What he did at 14 shouldn't hound him the rest of his life.

  21. Hope the following happens today:
    – Miller contract is rescinded
    – Sweeney is fired
    – Neely is fired

  22. I bet you they will lose in Toronto because this is going to kill team moral I don’t think they should of been the team to take this kid on I use to be bullied horribly not that horrible but that shit still hurts and I’m 25

  23. There are a lot of comments from people that expect half of their teams becoming priests of their local parish. Miller was 14 when this particular incident happened and apparently there had been bullying going on over a number of years. I am not condoning any bullying but let's not pretend that everybody is a saint because it shows your ignorance. Ignorance from others gave Miller confidence for whatever he's done. Still still nobody is leading the way to get things righted but people talking like they were there beside the culprits and victims.

  24. I was on board with giving him a second chance and he was only 14 at the time, but now more has come out where he apologized just last week and in his IG apology he mentions it is not hockey related, yeah sure he was ordered by the court and he waits until an NHL contract comes around to do so, the judge said he showed no signs of remorse. He also tormented this poor kid for years! He sounds like a dirt bag person and goes against everything Bruins, they pride themselves on character and team unity and such. Sweeney is a moron to do this anytime, but especially during the best start in team history. Lets reward an a-hole with a million dollar contract. Draft better and you don't need to sign this type of scum bag.

  25. Because Mitchell reminds Sweeney and Neely of their own very sweet white sons. Isaiah does not

    Also… Miller's abuse wasn't a "one of" at 14. He was CAUGHT on camera at 14. Reports began with him calling Isaiah the n word IN THE 2ND GRADE, including SEVERAL examples of physical abuse (inlcuding smashing his head repeatedly against a wall), to the last reported incident being TWO YRS AGO right before the draft

    NOT 14

    Miller is only sad he is being held accountable. Even the judge who FORCED him to write an apology said Miller refused to do so on his own. Other kids involved made amends and were forgiven. Miller apparently kept taunting Isaiah AFTER the court case

    12 years in total. 12. If this didn't make the press, understant Miller would be playing to praise in the NHL and not giving any fucks

    It is fitting that a team from one of the most racist cities would attempt to salvage him, though

  26. Horrible timing. Just a ridiculous distraction this team doesn’t need. I’m for second chances but maybe give it more time make him prove his growth. And if he signs elsewhere then so be it. Think it’s poor judgment. I could maybe see taking this gamble if we were 0-11

  27. He was a stupid 14 year old boy that was way too immature to be respected. I can’t condone this stuff but he can’t be condemned for the rest of his life. It isn’t easy to be on Millers side but hopefully he can do good from this point on. If I’m a man owner in Providence I’d make this kid do a lot of community service, visit hospitals and public appearances.

  28. All you snowflakes will be cheering him on if he makes it and becomes great for the bruins. As for Conner and Evan you make your living off the bruins . If you feel so strong about this then resign your positions. We know that ain’t happening. Tired of you 2 ripping the bruins every chance you get . Get off your high horse . If it was your brother or family member you would be singing a different tune. Stop being so damn dramatic.

  29. It doesn't make any sense. Miller is a straight up sadistic monster. No normal person could do anything close to what he did. Feel sick just hearing about the horrific things he did to this poor kid for YEARS. Disgusting decision by the Bruins

  30. For an organization that doesn't hesitate to present its community outreach programs, its well known history of having black players on the team and most importantly, trumpets the long established standards upheld by the club, this signing runs directly counter to all that.

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