@Ligue nationale de hockey

Vous pensez que les gardiens de but ne peuvent pas être capitaine ou capitaine adjoint ? (Photo de Roberto Luongo)

Vous pensez que les gardiens de but ne peuvent pas être capitaine ou capitaine adjoint ? (Photo de Roberto Luongo)



  1. pekaa_thunder

    As a goaltender myself I have my own biases, and I understand there are logistical problems with goaltenders leaving the crease. I still beleave that teams should be able to assign a goalie as a atleast a Assistant Capttain. Teams like Calgary Flames my first thought for a captain is ether Markstrom, Lindholm or Kadri.

  2. Pappa-Ganda

    They don’t have a pulse on the bench and have other things to focus on

  3. mildlysceptical22

    Technically can’t leave the crease without the referee’s permission during a stoppage of play. That’s when captains and alternate captains can talk to the officials at the referee crease by the scorer’s table.

  4. CountBeetlejuice

    Captain? No. Mostly because of parts of the « job » of being the Captain. The Capt has to be able to chat and work the refs the whole game, in defense of the team. Call out lack of calls, yell about penalties that are called, point out someone playing « dirty », etc… these actions are a very real part of the game as well. This is something they can not really do from the crease.

    Assistant might be a consideration though.

  5. Semprovictus

    If you listen to anyone who was on that team, it just didn’t work. They can be a leader in the room, but not a captain.

    Luongo himself even said it doesn’t work and told them to take the c back

  6. hawkey_tawk

    They aren’t allowed over the centre red line, they’d have to scream at the referee in the opposing team’s zone to be heard.

    Also, there’s no assistant captains, they’re alternates.

  7. Armchair-Gm-Podcast

    If they lead in the locker room and the community an A is ok imo, I just think your captain should be a bench leader too. I guess an argument could be had that hea always on the ice to talk to the ref?

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