@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Disponibilité d’après-match de DJ Smith – 5 novembre 2022

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith après le match d’aujourd’hui contre les Flyers de Philadelphie.


  1. Blaming the players again wow. Talk about the way practices are run, and what are the players getting thought? Brake down your system to us? Phylly was terrible, we should of won. Why all the line changes again?? We need answers not excuses of how the players are not getting it done.

  2. Don’t at some point the coach suppose to take blame? Same comments loss after
    Loss after loss. Where is Dorian, speak up for your boy.

  3. Vancouver playing good right now, I hope they beat us. This start is totally unacceptable.

  4. 5 Losses in a row. un be liev able ! ! ! ! five. 5! oh god, it's an unsightly number and hard on the ears. FIVE

  5. I better wake up tomorrow and hear dj Smith has been fired what is management doing at this point are you running a franchise or a friendship never have a seen a team put up with a coach losing so much this guy should have been fired 2 years ago

  6. Change is sometimes healthy. That said I heard DJ with the Mob, so Dorion shook. Also Zaitsev. Jokes aside things will work out.

  7. This needs to be it. His commitment to playing Zaitsev every single possible game regardless of performance is just weird as well as the system he has employed. He needs to go and immediately. That’s it.

  8. This disaster of a coach better be gone ASAP before the season is lost and the team is behind the 8ball

  9. Since 99% of you in the comments are either too stupid or too blinded by your hatred for DJ, let me explain something to you simpletons:

    DJ is the coach. Not the GM. The coach does not make call ups from Belleville. That is general manager Pierre Dorion’s job. DJ currently has six defencemen available to play. One of them is Zaitsev. Right now there’s Chabot, Sandy, Brann, Holden, Hamonic and Zaitsev. Those are the only six defencemen on the NHL roster right now. Is he supposed to scratch Zaitsev and play Gambrell on the third D pairing? Pull your heads out of your asses, Sens fans. You guys are turning into Leaf fans lately.

    Edit: The person you’re actually mad at is Pierre for not calling up Thomson or JBD sooner. He finally did before this game, but as DJ just explained in this video, that guy wasn’t ready to go tonight.

  10. Keep the faith guys. We knew that we were a fringe team at best heading into this season. The boys will gel soon enough.

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