@Oilers d'Edmonton

Le podcast « Campbell and Edmonton Oilers not close to OK vs Dallas » de The Cult of Hockey

Faisons cela! Le balado Cult of Hockey. Par les fidèles et pour les fidèles, ce soir avec Bruce McCurdy et David Staples. Ils creusent dans la défaite 6-2 d’Edmonton contre les Stars de Dallas.


  1. A predictable loss after blowing the 3-1 lead the game before… the Oilers have really high highs and then lose focus after winning 5 in row …. this one was lifeless. There doesn't seem to be a passion switch…. outside of the pain of losing several games in a row to get these guys UP for the adversary. Toughness is elusive …. they find more drive on the road…

  2. If you want to called a “Cup Contender,” then you don’t play like this. … A Goalie who lets in totally deflating goals, utterly inconsistent defensive play, a PK that is way below par … This is not how a consistent, experienced contender plays – not even close.

  3. Wow, where do I start? These billionaires Can afford have taxpayers pay for their buildings but can't afford netting to protect fans (in this case a child) from Pucks. Aggravating in the extreme. "when Koskinen is gone, when you've run him out of town after treating him like garbage, and replaced him with someone who more $$$ but no better at all if not worse, maybe then you'll appreciate what you had". I only said words to that effect about 10 times last year. Nothing new there, just ask Larson or Petry what that segment of the "fan" base is all about. 12 games in and with some flash's of looking good, Campbells overall play has been Shet flat out. "At this rate, Skinner will be #1 by the end of Nov if not sooner". It's turned out to be sooner. Hey Katz, take your own wallet out this time and pay for some Netting ffsakes.

  4. Let’s talk about crowd participation I work there the crowd was almost non existent I was disappointed

  5. Jack could just borrow some Ryan Holiday from Stu – he reads him all the time, and brings him up in interviews at least 3 times I've heard so far. Go Oilers!! The ship shall right itself as they make their way from these PK storms ∞

  6. I am agreeing with David on a lot of his points, but, my confidence in his play, is not growing

  7. Back in the day- there wasn't the constant pressure and scrutiny by thousands, we depended on writers and broadcasters to tell the story. And they did so without ripping a guys character. They played a lousy game and as a team have to be better from the goal on out. I do however think they shouldn't try to schedule afternoon games.

  8. I worry that there might be a more systematic problem. Like maybe they aren't practicing enough, old school. Woodcroft likes short practices and talks about energy reservoirs. But maybe the team's nerves and muscles just aren't activated enough, early in the season here.

  9. If they have a crap record in home afternoon games, what is being done to address that? A lot of that falls on the coaching staff.

  10. I never watched afternoon games because they always lose and they always play like crap. By the sounds of it I did myself a favour.

  11. Completely agree with you Bruce and it’s not the first time that Kane has taken an unnecessary penalty where tonight you could almost hear the air coming out of the balloon even before Dallas scored on the PP. That was the turning point in the game for me despite the fact that the Oilers can never seem to show up for a Matinee game. Sheesh

  12. I shut er down 4 mins into the 2nd period. Said I've seen this movie before and I don't like it so I just moved on. Thanks for this educated and dedicated pod Gents.

  13. Seems to be a go to play for the opposing team after they get scored on…push Kane's buttons off the face off or immediately after the face off and watch Kane emotionally fall apart and get penalized. Woodcroft and Kane need to sit down and have a conversation about this.

  14. I think the Oil's defense are not understanding the difference between "brick wall" and "tissue paper". Once they figure out what the difference is they'll be fine.

  15. The Oil needs to call the PK something else. As soon as the Oil is on the PK all they're thinking is oh, oh… "P"enalize "K"ane.

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