@Bruins de Boston

Patrice Bergeron ne semble pas content de la signature de Mitchell Miller

Patrice Bergeron n’est pas entièrement d’accord avec la signature de Miller


  1. I am not a Bruins fan but have nothing but respect for Patrice. This was a terrible decision by the Bruins management but has nothing to do with the players currently on their roster.

  2. Give me a break the kid was 14! A stupid kid! So he should pay for his entire life? So no one should employ him, is what people are saying. The bruins are an organization like any other and people are saying he's not welcome. Mean while a guy John Fetterman is going to be a US Senator in Pennsylvania and chased down a black guy with a shotgun, as an adult in his 30's and yet no one is saying he shouldn't be a Senator. What a world

  3. Ahhh this is BULLSHIT.. to condemn and keep punishing a person for something they did in their youth is totally unfair, now boys will be boys and I agree, that was FD UP. But if these players, especially in this sport have never done or said some outlandish shit against another player or person…well that is crap and hard to believe. The kid deserves a shot to prove himself

  4. Well said Bergeron. This kid doesn't deserve to play in the big show. He tormented a mentally challenged kid for years and doesn't seem to care.

  5. It would have been so easy for him to decline to comment on the matter, especially with hockey players being so bland and cautious usually. I'm really glad he spoke his mind and gave a truly honest answer. Must be why just about every real hockey fan who hates the Bruins – including myself, being from Montreal – has a ton of respect for Bergeron.

  6. Habs fan here, but nothing but respect for P.B that kid was beyond a bully, and the moves he makes now don't mean moot he had years to make it right. Karma is a bitch when it catches up to you!

  7. Anyone who plays with the Rat doesn't get to tap into "character" and "integrity".

  8. Patrice put this really well. Maybe Miller has grown, that's on him. As a kid I was bullied both at school and in the hockey locker room, and some of those kids I hate to this day, and some, I hope they're different now. That said, Miller has a chance to change his reputation as an adult if he takes up activism around bullying. I think his career prospects dwindling has been a fair punishment. If he has grown true empathy for others then he can turn this around.

    Note: the league already made it clear he's not eligible in the NHL, that is TBD. He will probably be in the AHL for a while.

  9. I love Bergeron, he's awsome captain, fantastic player and i fully respect him and his team, but! I get it. That kiddo bullied someone in his 14 yo. Now hes 20? And i think he's deeply sorry. He made a mistake but he also deserves a chance. Idk but i dont think that he should pay for his mistakes all his life. What about now playing NHL dirty players? Why are they still in the league?

  10. I am a Sharks fan but I see this is another example of what a classy intelligent man Bergeron is. It is awful that he and the other players are being put through this Miller circus they do not deserve that. Really tired of seeing a bunch of people trying to justify miller have made " a mistake" racist bullying of a disabled boy that went on for a long time is not "a mistake" he Bruins players are handling it all more professionally than the organization. What a bully does can haunt the victim for a lifetime

  11. Yeah. Marchand is a real class act and I'm sure was an angel in middle school. This is just virtue signaling bullshit.

  12. How come they didn't speak up when their own fans were making racial slurs to subban?

  13. classy comment especially to come out and say that especially when you are a tight team. The bullying was disgusting and he should never have been signed AT ALL. His contract should have been null and void

  14. Can someone remind him that he's got Marchand on the team? "High character people" lol

  15. How many of you that did stupid s*** when you were 14 repeat it when you were 30 25 30 years old I don't know where this wave of seeing this kid signed I wonder how many people that are stars in the NHL have had bad s*** happen during their teenage years that have had it squashed and hidden from public eye just stop human beings are human beings they make mistakes it's time to move forward

  16. I hate that my team signed this POS. I hate that the players now have this massive distraction

  17. Give your fucking heads a shake. Do you hear anything? I didn't fucking think so. Every MF in that league, at some point in their life bullied, ripped on, put down, degraded someone else. Shit, I would even say everyone on the fucking planet has done something to someone else, at some point in their lives, to degrade them. Even a murderer gets out of jail after serving their sentence.

  18. If he said anything else he'd be fined and suspended. He's a cuck multi-millionaire betraying a poor kid for the sake of his own future broadcasting career. Will never look at this coward positively again.

  19. Sweeney should be embarrassed. He put his stars in awkward position. having to answer these questions. Now Bettman has said no.Why would Sweeney create a disturbance while the B's are playing so well?

  20. Bruins have been my love for 40 years. this is heart breaking for Patrice, players on the Bs, the fan base. i think we get enough flak from other fanbases for various reasons…this just dumps on to the pile. what that kid did does not reflect on the Bruins players, fans or what ever. i saw the nastiest things on social media, surprise. just know people,, if you are against cruelty and bullies then you shouldnt be on social media bullying people…see how that works?

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