@Bruins de Boston

Dernières nouvelles: les Bruins de Boston mettent fin au contrat de Mitchell Miller

Dernières nouvelles : les Bruins de Boston mettent fin au contrat de Mitchell Miller Sponsors et liens affiliés de hockey de premier plan : Ekster Smart Wallets : https://ekster.com?sca_ref=843305.Mq1aDswV54 Lien d’adhésion YouTube TSH : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJC4kuBvrghSABumDSwl80A/join TSH Merch Store : https ://shop.spreadshirt.com/top-shelf-hockey Rejoignez TSH sur Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/topshelfhockey TSH Amazon Influencer Page : https://www.amazon.ca/shop/topshelfhockey?isVisitor =true Liens de médias sociaux : Twitter : https://twitter.com/topshelfhkyvids Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/topshelfhockeyvideos Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/topshelfhockeyvideos Merci aux membres de la chaîne suivants ou Super Merci Dons pour leur soutien : Robert Dufour Teddy Robinson Jerard Fagerberg Jesse Arnold SJSTerritory🦈 Harris Skelliter Mark Allred Alex Paul Auger Andy H Ryan B Dan Ortiz Kevin Shea Abonnez-vous ici : https://www.youtube.com/topshelfhockey Musique utilisée dans ce vidéo : « Echoes » Disponible dans la bibliothèque audio YouTube « Muriel » par Bobby Richards Disponible dans YouTu be Audio Library Video Thumbnail créé avec https://www.canva.com



  2. He apologized on snap chat. Was that enough no, but canceling him is not the right thing either. Very sad story on both sides!!

  3. So happy that he has gotten the boot before things got worse. That said, I do wish this signing never happened…would never want a player or human being like him around anyone.

  4. This is such bullshit. This kid was in 8th grade when he made his mistake. He is sorry for what he did. He deserves a second chance.

  5. In the new woke NHL there's no path back. No apology that is acceptable. No number of years without new incidents. Once you are tarred and feathered they won't rest until you pay with your entire career.

  6. Smart move after what bettman said "he will not be eligible and might not ever be eligible". At this point Miller's career as a player is over and honestly rightfully so, HE MADE THE CHOICE TO BE A BULLY HE MADE THE CHOICE TO BE A RACIST A-HOLE HE MADE THE CHOICE TO RUIN A POOR BOY LIFE JUST BECAUSE HE IS SPECIAL NEEDZ. I get sometimes some peeps deserve second chances, THIS DUDE MILLER is beyond CUT THROAT DISGUSTING…SECOND CHANCE FOR HIM!?!? NO WAY IN HELL HE DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE.

  7. Time for Miller to go nuclear on these turds.

    Sue the Bruins and the Carothers family. He paid his debt to society and they have all screwed his life up twice now.

  8. Wow I must say I’m very disappointed how the system treats a child who made a mistake we have all made mistakes in our life but since you were a hockey player and what you did represents who you are you’re not allowed a second chance what about the victims who don’t play hockey who don’t play any sports and are still bullied every single day we only picked the one because he joined the Boston Bruins and what he’s done we all know why Boston signed him cam Neely is an old hockey vet and now he’s told what to do or they’re being cancelled or he’ll get fired or the owner will be in a lot of trouble don’t have no statement it’s all fake just like what Gary Bettman said this is not Hockey anymore the reporters politicians and who provides the money speak now we live in a fantasy world we don’t forgive we show more heat than anything we rather be angry and manipulate people when they make mistakes I said I forgiving them that’s the problem in the world right now it disgust me that eight grade child he was a kid and we get a hold onto that everybody deserves a second chance even this gentleman does can agree or disagree all you want before you point fingers look at yourself in the mirror those arrows are coming back at you hundred times more and you wanna know something else you think Hockey it’s all great come on now there’s people in Hockey who get molested and children who are being taken from their parents for trafficking and other stuff but we get ticked off when NHL sign somebody who did something in eighth grade remember people you read what reporters say you’re not around his life you don’t know what goes on you’re not him stop judging

  9. This was probably a greedy move backfiring for the Bruins. They signed Miller cuz they caught wind that another team was about to sign him, but Bettman and the League explicitly said they would make it extremely difficult for Miller to play in the NHL…

  10. My guess is Mitchell has now withdrawn from those programs, because he feels so bad (BS). What the Bruins should do is pay for him and their management team (Sweeney & Neely) plus make a HUGE donation to those causes. A complete brain fart from an Original Six team that bragged the last few years about O’Rhea and than do this right in the middle of the Hockey Canada Scandal. Totally TONE DEAF!!

  11. Thank goodness this bully will never play in the NHL, because we never needed him to begin with. However, I feel like the damage is still done. What if the Bruins lose a first round pick over this? If that happens and the Bruins don’t win it all, Neely and Sweeney have to be axed themselves.

  12. So all those years of honouring Willie O’Ree was just because they had to?

  13. With the backwardness of our economy, increment in the price of gas, alarming rates of unemployment. I must confess our country have taken a wrong turns.vividly I don't know how else to carter for my expenses

  14. “As a father” wake up and don’t make such idiotic moves. What a gongshow for a team that has has such a good start to the season. Hope they crash and burn after this. Clown org lol

  15. Seabass gonna be Seabass I hate the Bruins and anyone who glorifies Chara as a great person after what he intentionally did to paccioretty. Say what you want. Neely and Sweeney both shit the bed.

  16. I play in a rec league and a few years ago we wanted to sign a new player. When we sent in the registration the league told us we couldn’t sign him because he was serving a one year suspension. So why were the Bruins able to sign this kid if he’s not eligible to play? I think Betman was talking out of his a$$.

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