@Oilers d'Edmonton

Zach Hyman nivelle Joe Pavelski en représailles pour avoir frappé Warren Foegele

Regardez l’attaquant des Oilers d’Edmonton Zach Hyman égaliser l’attaquant des Stars de Dallas Joe Pavelski après que ce dernier ait frappé Warren Foegele dans les planches.


  1. 0:47 What song is this? I have been wondering for so many years but never find an answer bc Shazam doesn't hear it well enough… For once and for all can somebody tell me! Thanks lol

  2. Beautiful sequence. Play kept going on, that's hockey!

  3. Love how offended the stars players got after buddy got a taste of his own medicine. It's ok for them to make dirty hits, but retaliation hits are just off limits towards the stars.

  4. Hyman is a great team guy, wish Dubas knew his job, we’d still have Hyman doing his stuff here in T.O….

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