@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Une arène de 5 000 places ?! Que font les coyotes de l’Arizona ? ! C’est un gâchis… Ou est-ce ? !

Les Coyotes de l’Arizona emménageront l’an prochain dans l’arène de 5 000 places de l’Arizona State University, beaucoup plus petite qu’une arène typique de la LNH. Pourquoi est-ce le cas?! Pourquoi l’équipe n’est-elle pas simplement déplacée ? ! Rod Pedersen et Darren Dupont réagissent à cela et donnent leur avis sur le déménagement… La prise de Darren pourrait vous choquer ! ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRodPedersenShow MORE FROM RP : https://rodpedersen.com SHOP THE RP STORE : https://rodpedersenshop.com Like The RP Show sur Facebook : https://www .facebook.com/TheRPShow Suivez The RP Show sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/rodpedersenshow Suivez The RP Show sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/therodpedersenshow/ Suivez Rod Pedersen sur Twitter : https:/ /twitter.com/rodpedersen Commanditez le spectacle : info@dupontmedia.ca


  1. At this point, the Coyotes just feel like a money laundering scheme. It's sad though. Phoenix is a booming, popular city to live in. You'd think the Coyotes would have enough of a fan base to attract an owners group that cares about hockey.

  2. So if this owner of the Coyotes has an endless supply of cash , why couldnt they pay there bills on time?

  3. Yes! I feel the same way, this is a golden opportunity for the coyotes to create something positive and exciting by starting small. It has the potential to be an great and loud atmosphere…this is a stepping stone

  4. I live here in the valley….Arizona is a winter destination for Canadians where they love to see there teams play. So yeah I can see why they are mad about this to some extent because it’s gonna be harder for them to get tickets…but O well at least the coyotes are staying here in AZ and hopefully soon they will get new arena in Tempe

  5. I have family who live in Glendale they didnt know they had a hockey team till recently

  6. So the CFL franchises should all relocate in 5000 capacity stadiums to reduce pressure to sell out and create a buzz, right? *rolls eyes*

  7. I think the Coyotes are just marking time until someone out there buys ‘em! Sadly the Coyotes were
    parked so far out on the west side you thought you were driving to California for a game! Not much
    community support either. Seldom on the evening news! Comedy of errors since day one. 👋 bye!

  8. More “chicken little” merchants? “The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Oh help the NHL, the sky is falling!”

    Please, you clowns know nothing about the progress on the new area na, but hey, you are much smarter than a multi-billionaire, your just holding back, ….. right?

    You chicken little bunch better read up on the taste of “Crow”, because you will be eating some down the road!

  9. Recipe for failure for an NHL team:
    Step one, moving to a city and then leave that city with a bad taste in their mouth, which extends to the rest of the Valley
    Step two going on a joint venture with ASU, and live on a party campus, but make sure you're so far away from the center campus that you'll never draw the college crowd
    Step 3, make sure that the venue is so small, that the out-of-town folks don't want to come to watch hockey. This includes all the snowbirds who are already here during hockey season. Who wants to fight for tickets to see your hometown team play in Arizona simply because the venue is tiny.
    Step 4, make sure that the arena is nowhere near any existing freeways, and ensure that traffic will be tied up for hours both before and after the game
    Step 5, this point is close to the airport as possible so we can add in that traffic to the traffic nightmare, and we're going to add in some residential area so that Sky Harbor continues a daily barrage of complaints from yet another neighborhood.
    Step 6, located next to a swamp land, that they argue as a dry river bed.
    Step 7, place it over a landfill.

    A few years ago they had it all lined up to be located at the crossroads of McClintock, and Rio Salado parkway. A stone's throw away from the 202 and the 101. Well outside the travel corridor for Sky Harbor. And in an area that is already seen rapid growth and an interest from the Indian community to produce a sports venue right next door.

    I predict an epic failure that will attach an economic anchor chain to the neck of ASU.

  10. The Coyotes will never ever make money there.So what is the real conspiracy that Bettman is hiding to keep a team in Arizona that is a worse situation that moved the Trashers to Winnipeg.The Coyotes need to be moved as Arizona will never support them.Arizona had their chance it's time to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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