@Bruins de Boston

Les retombées de la catastrophe de Mitchell Miller | Battre les Bruins

Evan Marinofsky du New England Hockey Journal et Conor Ryan du Boston Sports Journal discutent de tout ce qui entoure les Bruins et Mitchell Miller. Peut-on faire confiance à ce front office à l’avenir ? Comment est-ce arrivé? Les gars plongent dans tout ça. Bruins Beat avec Evan Marinofsky Ep. 330 Visitez https://athleticgreens.com/BRUINS pour un approvisionnement GRATUIT d’un an en vitamine D de soutien immunitaire et 5 packs de voyage GRATUITS avec votre premier achat ! ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————————– Bienvenue sur la chaîne YouTube du #CLNS Media Network pour le hockey des #Bruins de Boston. CLNS Media est le principal fournisseur en ligne de couverture audio/vidéo des sports de Boston. Obtenez un accès intérieur complet aux Bruins au TD Garden, aux patins du jour du match au Warrior et partout sur la route. Mike « Trags » Petraglia, Evan Marinofski, Sierra Goodwill et Connor Ryan du Boston Sports Journal sont des initiés accrédités de CLNS #NHLBruins. Fournir des nouvelles et des analyses instantanées en temps réel, ainsi qu’un accès complet aux vidéos complètes des joueurs, des entraîneurs, des propriétaires et de tous les autres sur Causeway Street. Pour les Celtics, les Patriots, les Red Sox, les College Hoops, l’histoire de la NBA primés par le CLNS, rendez-vous ici pour les chaînes en vedette – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiP7KyKodc3OHuN_XhEyPPw?sub_confirmation=1


  1. Please don't do this podcast – They could've brushed it under the rug like Coward Coyotes & NHL, but they turned it into a conversation & TEAM decision, brought it directly to the fans via press conference.

    When Arizona rescinded his contract – Bettman left him out there on the trading block. It was safe to assume it was an isolated incident since the NHL gave their blessings for him to be put back on the trading block.
    But evidently they made the big bad bruins do the dirty work for them.

    I think it was awesome they were considering reaching out to a struggling young man – willing to give him a second chance.

    Because they stand by their players and they clearly care about them

    This is the same organization that ate Cassidy's contract to back up their players. And took your criticism for that also

    The same organization that's got millions of dollars of talent there for Gatorade and gas money out of loyalty. And even bruins pundits called this a "reunion" disrespecting seasoned veteran players, questioning a 2022 selkie winners abilities,

    and questioning Pastas judgment – on who he wants to win a Stanley cup with

    There's been a lot of loyalty going on this past year coming out of the organization, (definitely not the fans)- so many more things done right than wrong.

    Top veteran players, selkie award winners are coming to the side of Don Sweeney in keeping this team contenders

    That's pretty special.

    Please move on. Don't give this anymore attention.

    Remember – a mother allowed this to go on "FOR YEARS"?

    They violated juvenile Court sealed records –

    my black kid being bullied is no worse than your white kid. That racist garbage needs to stop now. It's done enough damage to my

    Hockey was the first and probably the only sport where you have 4-5 different nationalities speaking 4-5 different languages playing on the SAME team – and we saw that going back to the 1970s.

    We don't appreciate being called racists, for supporting people like this simply because we give them a chance

    we don't appreciate this reputation and it's pretty cheap for people who support the Bruins to cash in on this

    This concerned parent allowed her child to take this abuse "for years"? When my kid was getting bullied with no action from the school, I scrapped metal, took down firewood to come up with tuition to get him the hell out of there – it didn't go on "for years"

    And I doubt they would be pounding on a McDonald's manager's office door if Mitch were applying for a job to flip burgers.

    The abuse of all parties involved has gone on long enough under the neglectful eye of these SOCIAL WORKERS TEACHERS, PARENTS & ADULTS that allowed it.

    Based on the math, this happened between 10- 13 year old kids? People are acting like he's going to KKK meetings between trick or treating and sitting on Santa's lap?

    And the bruins knowingly brought him on with these facts? There are no facts – juvenile records are sealed. Mitch couldn't reach out to the family because there was a no contact order

    So the bruins were probably not running to pound down their door either

    Don't let it go on another minute.

    And you can get back to us after you guys have raised teen boys in this ridiculous culture where we have the highest suicide rates of male blue collar workers 18 – 45 years old since the depression

    Let's be very careful moving forward –

    Instead of just getting clicks, more subscribers views, perhaps you could be part of the solution
    why don't you start promoting Big brother/ Big sister organization on your podcast?

    Then we can perhaps prevent bullying situations instead of just cashing in on them

  2. They should have never signed and they batched this so so badly and Came Neely and Don Sweeney were highly involved in this not just Sweeney

  3. You guys blew this situation wayyyyy outta proportion. Was a terrible decision to sign him but The kid didn’t even play any games within the organization and was signed all of 2 days lol now that he’s gone you still want blood? Let’s not act like the fake outrage will be gone by next week

  4. This needs to stop. The kid was 14. Conor doesn’t get nearly as mad when some thug in the NFL hits a woman. The virtue signaling is getting very old. If the kid who was bullied was white none of these guys would give a fuck. Move on.

  5. I've been a bruins fan since I was adoptedand I grew up I New England and a proud Asian American Adoptee FOR YEARS I faced racism and verbal abuse for my whole schooling career. Was told I was ugly and not worth a life. I never had it anywhere close to bad as the poor student mitch miller bullied. But even facing the verbal abuse I went through years of intense therapy to even find the will to live past age 18. Mitch Miller should never be allowed in the NHL, when the does the right thing and amends whatever left he can. WHEN his parents take responsibility for being racists assholes and horrible people. THEN MAYBE MAYBE we can look into a career for mitch….. in business….

  6. It appears to me that it was arrogance and lack of caring about the victim, NOT incompetence and ignorance. As mentioned it takes seconds to investigate and discover what happened. There is no chance that they did not have all the information already. The ONLY thing they may not have had is the truth about whether an apology actually happened. Sweeney even stated that they basically did not think that was important. This means they thought of doing it, but chose not to. There is NO new information. Even if there is, by saying that makes it even worse as that means the current information is in itself not enough for the Bruins to feel the need to part ways with Miller. Keep digging Boston hockey Ops. More arrogance and lack of ownership. I want full transparency of exactly how the decision was made including timelines, what information was known, who knew what and was part of the decision making. Highly unlikely we will ever get this though would bet everyone knew and therefore everyone should be culpable. Someone will be made the fall guy and if I am the fall guy I am suing the Bruins as there is no way 1 individual is to blame for all of this unless it it the ultimate decision maker who overruled everyone else. This whole thing keeps getting worse for the Bruins IMO.

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