@Red Wings de Détroit

Canadiens @ Red Wings 11/8 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Canadiens de Montréal aux Red Wings de Détroit


  1. Bad reffing, bad highlight reel. GOT THE WIN ANYWAY! GHG 🔵⚪️🔴

  2. What is the purpose of showing the shootout if it is only to show detroit’s attempts. Especially that MTL scored two goals…

  3. So you stick TWO ads in the middle of a penalty shot and then fail to show the winning team's shootout goals? Last time I watch your recaps. There are better options

  4. This was the worst highlight package I've seen in a while. I watched the shootout and the Habs goals were great. But why not? Just show the Detroit misses.

  5. Did the Habs get a red card early? Detroit had 5 skaters and 2 refs? WTF!

  6. Uh, why don't we get to see the Habs' goals….Weird. I have to go to Twitter to see Suzuki's goal. LOL.

  7. This is the NHL channel, and they summed up a game, taking 9 minutes, that did NOT include any of the winning team's shoot-out goals!? Is this a joke?!!?

  8. I wonder, is this potentially the first official NHL highlight package of a NHL game that does not even bother to show… the WINNING GOAL? Seriously?!!?! Is this the first???

  9. They arent show any of the habs shootout goals 🤔…? This channel have a problem with the Montreal Canadians ?

  10. Larkin sucks XD such a show board ego head loser I love Detroit but cannot stand Larkin he’s not as good as he thinks he is. He goes out with a mentality like he’s Datsyuk but he couldn’t beat a goalie like Pavel could. Pavel would’ve left that goalie on his toes

  11. Not a single Habs shootout shot shown… what a joke. Canfield and Suzuki shots were amazing.
    Nice Red Wings fanboy for the edit.

  12. This package too? Thought it was just Sportsnet who didn’t show any of the WINNING teams Shootout goals. Lame

  13. I’m not for the Red Wings.
    Now that I see from closer angle I see that skating have to be perfected.

    I’m out from hockey from 25 years ago,and I’ve played 8-9 years.
    I know that sometimes in hockey players from younger "generations" can be less good but I don’t understand how could someone miss like this on the first penalty shot and how could someone miss a shot from that close on the last shootout shot.Someone can’t even’t miss one from longer range.

  14. I like how the NHL took the shootout highlights directy from Awood40, only Detroit goals allowed🤣

  15. Glad we got to see all the shootout goals from the habs….(this coverage is getting worse and worse!)

  16. They use Söderblom the wrong way, why use a guy with great hands and shoot as cover for the goalie? He is long and have good technic, not fat and slow! Put him in good use and he will start to make goals and assists.

  17. GG habs, I have a feeling our teams will have some pretty great playoff series in the near future.

    Hopefully those will have a better outcome

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