@Bruins de Boston

DISGRÂCE! La saga Mitchell Miller des Bruins, expliquée

Quelques jours seulement après avoir pris la décision très controversée de signer l’espoir disgracié Mitchell Miller, les Bruins de Boston sont maintenant, comme on pouvait s’y attendre, en train de manger du corbeau. Écrit et commenté par : Jonah Birenbaum (@Birenball | Twitter) Produit et édité par : Zack Underhill (@ZackUnderhill | Instagram) Conception des vignettes par : Justin Shipley (@shipleysportstudio | Instagram) Liste de courtoisie : https://pastebin.com/eQ6FxB1Y Suivez-nous sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theScore Suivez-nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/theScore Suivez-nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/theScore #MitchellMiller #BostonBruins #LNH


  1. I dunno, speaking as someone that was a victim of violent, racist bullying in my childhood, I still think this is crazy to ruin someone's life over actions made as an immature 13-14yr old. It's why we have young offenders acts…we have all done dumb things as kids. Hold him accountable and ensure he's genuinely understands his actions. But this is a bit of overkill considering its from when they were 13.

  2. I'm all for second chances, but you gotta earn it first.
    And everything I've seen online clearly shows he hasn't earned it (i.e., only did court-mandated community work, never demonstared sincere regret, never apologized to the kid). So good riddance.

  3. I live in Boston, go to all the games. Not a Bruins fan or Bostonian are happy that the bruins signed him. Management needs to be held accountable. It was a hockey ops failure, doesn’t change the culture of the fans, team, and city. Hold management accountable! It doesn’t matter if it’s cam Neely or Don Sweeney, everyone involved with the signing still needs to be held accountable. They threw all their values out the window to try to land a cheap star d man. That kind of character belongs nowhere in the bruins organization.

  4. Right because if you do something stupid as a 14 year old you should never be able to have a job ever 😒 The NHL the Bruins, and you are a bunch of gutless pukes. I’m not saying this kid is a saint but this is truly idiotic.

  5. This world is soft. So bully regardless of race is the standard now for wrecking kids futures. Time to grow up. I got bullied for years then said f it one day I was done taking shit. Started fighting lost LOTS but the bully stop cause the bullys had a fight kn the hands everything. Bullys pray on the weak!! This is real world knowledge for kids to adults bullying dose not stop once u get outta stop it travels into the work force, it's how you handle yourself if it stops or keeps going!! Stop making everyone a victim!! Singling out one or 2 High profile cases is a kick in the nuts to all that suffered and over come.. if u don't like getting bully change your life style eat better!?!?! Go to the gym?!?!?! There's many thing I notice with similarities with all these cases… it's all ABOUT RACE. There's lots of white kids or other races that get bullied the only ones that get attention are of a certain sick color!!! Which tells me there an agenda behind all this non sense 🤔

  6. Bruins fans are known proud racist.
    The proof is everytime a black player scored on them in playoffs Boston fans would send racist remark to that player. It happened multiple times.

  7. So we going to hold a person accountable for what he did as a teenager if thats the case then we need to hold almost every teenager accountable for things they
    did that includes players in
    all sports that would include one Kyrie Irving who should never play in the NBA again because of his anti jewish ideas.
    This society is becomeing way to judgemental . Hell Criminals who have killed individuals are given a 2nd chance, and based on 1 incident he is canceled really
    people grow up. Im not saying what he did was right,
    but he deserves to be able to earn a livelihood.

  8. As a life long bruins fan this whole thing just fucking sickens me and I there's absolutely no way that Neely and all the others in the front office didn't know about this little shits history. Really hope this leads to some firings of bruins front office

  9. What an absolute joke. A kid makes a stupid mistake when he was 14 years old. 14 YEARS OLD!!!
    Now he can’t live out his dream that he worked his whole life for. He should be given a second chance.
    Political correctness is ruining western civilisation.

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