@Canucks de Vancouver

Patrick Johnston sur Canucks Prez Jim Rutherford appelant Boudreau, la relation de JR Aquilini

Patrick Johnston s’arrête et se demande si Jim Rutherford s’adressait à un auditoire composé d’une seule personne – le propriétaire Francesco Aqulini – parce qu’il veut un nouvel entraîneur au lieu de Bruce Boudreau. #Canucks #NHL #Hockey #VancouverCanucks #Vancouver Présenté par @ProvinceofBC Écoutez et abonnez-vous au balado : https://lnk.to/SP422 Envoyez-nous vos commentaires par texto : 778-402-9680 🔗 : https://linktr.ee/ SekeresAndPrice https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com/ https://www.stopoverdose.gov.bc.ca/


  1. Rutherford hired Bruce's assistants (who are the issue) then calls out Bruce. What a joke.

  2. i was wondering why boudreau kept playing stillman when he was not doing very well and sitting burroughs and rathbone who were obviously playing better, then it occurred to me that stillman was JR and alvin's boy and maybe bruce was saying " and you think i don't know what i'm doing?" if that's the case it's definitely time to make some changes.

  3. What is the problem here? The boss is hired to kick butts instead of kissing them!

  4. If Rutherford isn't happy with Boudreau, he shouldn't have picked up the option. He also did dick all to upgrade the D so……maybe take a look in the mirror there Jimmy.

  5. I’m not sure what Rutherford is doing but he shouldn’t be calling out one of the winningest coaches in NHL history. Shit or get off the pot but leave that crap in the room. We all know Acqualini is one of the glaring problems and has been since he bought the team. I don’t judge until 20 games in and although this looks bad it could still turn itself around.

  6. I wish we never hired Jim or Alvin. They seem to have Attitude with zero class then you Add in a terrible Owner and you get this Mess. I feel for Bruce I think hes a great coach and im sure the Players Love and Respect him. Clearly Jim doesn't. What a train wreck this franchise is . Now you add the BO fiasco WHAT A JOKE.

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