@Oilers d'Edmonton

Evander Kane a le poignet coupé par Skate – Le médecin explique l’urgence

Evander Kane a subi une blessure au poignet très inquiétante après avoir été accidentellement coupé par le patin de Pat Maroon lors du match de la LNH de ce soir entre les Oilers d’Edmonton et le Lightning de Tampa Bay MA MUSIQUE : Epidemic Sound – Inscrivez-vous avec ce lien pour un essai GRATUIT de 30 jours ! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/2m1bb5/ Suivez-moi sur Twitter ! https://twitter.com/briansuttererMD Je suis médecin et fan de sport et cette chaîne est dédiée à l’exploration du côté médical unique du monde du sport, y compris NBA, MLB, NFL, UFC et bien d’autres ! Décomposer les plus grandes hypothèses, les blessures et les histoires historiques, et rendre l’apprentissage de la médecine amusant et pertinent pour tous les fans de sport ! Images d’anatomie : https://www.biodigital.com AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITÉ : Le contenu n’est pas destiné à être considéré comme un avis médical. Les opinions sont les miennes et ne représentent pas celles de mon employeur. Je n’ai pas personnellement traité ou évalué la ou les personnes dont il est question dans cette vidéo. Contenu utilisé à des fins éducatives et transformatrices dans le cadre des directives d’utilisation équitable Contenu détenu et produit par Brian Sutterer LLC 2022


  1. The NHL should mandate new rules and bring an end to the ridiculous inadequate gloves now being worn leaving their forearms exposed. Gloves from the mid 1960s were far superior.

  2. Seems like this definitely got the artery considering how much blood was on the ice so quickly after.

  3. Curious your thoughts Brian on both hemostatic dressings (celox) and Tranexamic acid TXA in this type of situation?

  4. Everytime we (Oilers fans) have so meone good they get cut badly. Jarret Stoll cut his hand with a steak knife while separating frozen burgers. Ganger had his hand cut by a teamate stepping on his hand when climbing over the boards to get on the ice. Then of course Taylor Hall getting his forehead stepped on by a teamate during practice. Just wtf.

  5. The problem is they seem to have removed the cuff from the gloves. Cheap gloves don’t provide enough protection.

  6. I don’t care how controversial Kane is no one deserves this

  7. When I first saw the video before seeing the injury and the caption said “graphic” I thought it was a broken leg, then I see the play happen and then a giant spot of blood and I got scared for him. So glad to hear he’s stable and getting surgery

  8. everyone knows you go across for attention, longways for results. he's gonna be fine.

  9. I like your channel and appreciate your education. However , the way you butchered Clint Malarchuk’s last name makes me think you really aren’t a hockey fan even with the Blue’s jersey in the background.

  10. Goalie gear does a very good job keeping the goalie safe. Lots of underarmer has cevlar in commonly exposed areas

  11. this looked more like a radial venous cut due to the fact that there wasn't much blood gushing out immediately after contact

  12. What’s crazy is that this exact same thing happened to my teammate a few years ago so it’s cool to learn about the medical side of what happened to him. The only long term effects of cut was some immobility in the thumb which is pretty funny because he can’t snap anymore but that’s about it

  13. Thank you very much for that informative information about his injury. I appreciate it. 👍

  14. The blues jersey on the skeleton is fitting of our season so far…. glad evander is allright

  15. Oh boy. I now have a new fear for hockey. I don’t have access to highly trained doctors that quick like him, what I learned is PRESSURE STOP THE FLOW

  16. 'Dictate a return to hockey' at all, or time of return to hockey?

  17. What worried me at the moment it happened was Kane’s worried face, he knew something was severely wrong

  18. It’s wild that there’s a sport where dudes are flying around at high speeds with knives on their feet

  19. how long of a recover do you think he will have? i heard he needed surgery. does that mean that a tendon or muscle got cut?

  20. Yup!….Skate laceration's are particularly nasty. It doesn't help when you see all that white ice turn red as the blood start's gushing. A lot of guys panic. Kane did exactly what you should do. Another nasty hockey injury is collapsed wind pipe or throat. I was actually at a minor hockey league game and luckily there was a doctor that knew how to do a "tracheotomy"….Basically this 15 year old took a slap shot to the throat and they had to cut him and put a tube down his throat so he could breathe……And yes, people were really panicking.
    I don't know how you doctor's, nurses and medic's stay so calm when the blood start's squirting.
    Thanks for covering this. Always interesting and informative. Cheers!

  21. jesus. hope he's okay. our team is pretty boned with him. we're even more boned if it's career ending

  22. Luckily it seems the cut is on the radial side, most of the crucial tendons and ligaments needed to move your fingers are probably intact.

  23. That angle you’ve got really let’s you know how brutal that cut probably is. The slice is long and diagonal across his forearm and looked like it started about halfway up and got near the wrist. In the other replays it looks like a quick step over part of his wrist but this shows that it kinda just caught him the entire length as maroon stepped back.

  24. Hockey, the DUMBEST sport… next to boxing.
    NOBODY is impressed lessermales. Stupid, psychotic and Toxic af👎👎🍼
    “Ya let’s strap RAZORS to our fn FEET, skate around on hard*ss ICE, get some sticks & smack a frozen ROCK at each other as hard as we fn can… sounds sane…”

    & yet you all ‘wonder’ why we don’t want to f you anymore, 🗑🤡’s

  25. With all the blood in our hands Im surprised how cleanly I had a nail go through most of my wrist and it not end up serious. I have ugly scars on each side of my wrist but never even had stitches for it. How rare is a full puncture wound to not need stitches staples or surgery?

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