@Bruins de Boston

Bully Hockey Player obtient ce qu’il mérite

Les Bruins de Boston se sont séparés de Mitchell Miller après que son passé troublant ait refait surface. Rick Strom le décompose. Donnez-nous votre avis dans les commentaires ci-dessous ! Rick Strom TWITTER : https://twitter.com/rickstrom INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/rickystrom FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/StromRick Suivez TYT Sports sur Facebook ! https://www.facebook.com/TYTsports TYT Sports – l’une des émissions sportives les plus dynamiques sur YouTube – arrive sur Tune In ! Nous couvrons tous les derniers besoins de savoir NBA, NFL, MMA, World Football [soccer] et des nouvelles de dernière heure spécialement conçues pour les jeunes fans de sport avertis et avertis de la culture pop. Abonnez-vous aujourd’hui et préparez-vous à devenir accro. #TYTsports #Sports #RickStrom


  1. All y'all are getting mad about this I put $1,000 on my left nut on it that you guys were the victims of being bullied in school…..
    But here's the thing people can change you guys are just ignorant…

  2. So what if he did this is junior high?!?! This is criminal!!!! Felonies. If he were black/brown he’d already have been arrested convicted and walking around with a permanent record.

    It’s disgusting how many of you are defending this Privilege Pete. And yes is 7th grade you know right from wrong.

    This dude is nothing but another George’s Zimmerman/Kyle Rittenhouse type. Hopefully someone puts this mutt down before he can do even worse damage

  3. Ew put down what ever that thing is, you think he’s gonna grow up and stop being such a disgusting 🤮 “person”


  5. being bullied/picked on changes a person for the rest of their life, friendship, relationships, finding love, & even what job they might want. I feel sorry for "hockey guy" it is a hard lesson learned. I was bullied thru HS and have chosen to be alone in life.

  6. I am so glad to hear this story of a bully getting what's coming to them. So many times the bully goes on to win in life because hes not able to be held accountable. I hope this truly sick asshole never gets hired by anybody for the rest of his life!

  7. White people…
    I was on Twitter last night… and lots of the usual Hockey racists were claiming that Mitchell Miller was released because the Bruins were getting "too woke". Complete insanity. 🤮

  8. Yes jail is where this piece of dog doo-doo belongs. After a week in there, he be put out to make cash for others

  9. What Rick forgot to mention…
    1. When Miller was drafted during the 2o2o NHL draft (by the Arizona Coyotes), Miller apologized to the 32 NHL teams, but he never apologized to Isaiah Meyer or his parents. 🤮
    2. The case landed in front of court and he only apologized when a surviellance video of him beating a Black boy surfaced, he plead guilty so that the video wouldnt be sent to the NHL teams. The Jevenile court Judge remarked concluded that Miller had absolutely no remorse for his actions against Meyer-Crothers and was merely upset that his reputation would be damaged by the situation. 🤮

  10. Mitchell Miller should be in jail and the school that allowed this over and over and over again should be under severe scrutiny. People need to be fired over this because people knew this was going on for the extended period of time.

  11. There’s plenty of blame to go around, it’s only one side I ever see that’s cancelled for bad behavior, what he did was wrong, but why not cut ties with all the other sports figures who recently got suspensions for bad behavior? If it’s good for one then it’s good for all, no micro managing

  12. Absolutely disgusting. "OK son I hoped you learned your lesson….now keep playing and you will make it in the league….keep that nose clean son". This is nasty.

  13. Miller was a child when he engaged in the terrible bullying. Hopefully he is now a changed person and can use his position to give back to the community.

  14. It’s all about the player’s ability not their morals. Deshaun Watson would not be in the NFL otherwise. As a Bears fan I am glad we didn’t pick Watson and hopefully we will have a QB we can stand behind as a person and a player. That said, we picked Trubisky for some stupid reason and could have had Mahomes for crying out loud. At least the Cubs won the WS.

  15. Karma will catch up to this young man. It happens to everyone. He can't lie to himself forever 🦊

  16. I'm a Bruins fan and admittedly I didn't know a lot about Miller so I was intrigued about all the controversy. It turns out it was justified this kid is a POS. I'm disappointed in the Bruins but I am glad they did the right thing, even if they were forced to.

  17. This went on for years. Mitchell smashed the poor kids head off a wall not to mention the other things. The man does not deserve a second chance.

    Now maybe go after Kane and the team Canadian hockey team players that raped a lady.

  18. If the Coyotes released ( laughingstock of NHL and good for them dropping) Miller because of what he did then What are the Bruins thinking?

  19. Great story you reap what you sow !! I true monster I’m happy he was released!!!

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