@Canucks de Vancouver


24 heures après avoir battu les Sénateurs d’Ottawa, les Canucks se sont inclinés 5-2 face aux Canadiens de Montréal. Thatcher Demko a eu du mal, JT Miller a eu du mal, Jack Rathbone a eu du mal et Tanner Pearson a eu du mal avant de se blesser. Économisez 15 $ sur n’importe quelle paire de chaussures Vessi en utilisant le code CANUCKCLAY ici : https://ca.vessi.com/ Merci à mes sponsors principaux : √ VancityExperts Real Estate : https://www.vancityexperts.com/ √ Perform and Transform Entraînement personnel et perte de poids : inscrivez-vous pour un essai GRATUIT de 7 jours ici https://www.performandtransform.ca/canuckclay ———————— ——————————————– Connectez-vous avec moi : √ Rejoindre l’équipe CCC : https://www.youtube.com/canuckclay/join √ Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/canuckclay √ Apple Podcasts : https://tinyurl.com/cccapplepodcast √ Spotify : https:/ /tinyurl.com/cccspotifypodcast √ Cameo : http://www.cameo.com/canuckclay √ Site Web : http://www.claytonimoo.com √ Canucks After Dark : https://bit.ly/3yZI6TT —- ————————————————– ————– #canucks #vancouvercanucks #nhl Ma biographie : Je suis un abonné des Canucks, un créateur de vidéos primé, un conférencier, un créateur de chansons parodiques et le fondateur du GLCPC (le Beaux Canucks club de positivité). J’ai fait du bénévolat auprès de l’organisation des Canucks pour de nombreux événements caritatifs et j’ai écrit près de trois douzaines de chansons sur, pour et avec l’équipe. Merci d’être passé. Assurez-vous de vous abonner à ma chaîne ! Merci aux membres incroyables et généreux de l’équipe CCC : LÉGENDE : • Lucas Gates • Justin Credible • Andrew Chang Hall of Fame : • Hsmfangirl Gaming • Carol Bovenlander • Adam Broomfield • Sidhu Moosewala The Legend • Elfren Ordanza • Daniel Hammond • Shannon Hollingworth • C Edits Franchise : • jarhead0099 • Jeff King • Entraîneur Rob Wille • Edmond Yan • Ethan • R Umlas • mdizonjr • Justin Pater • David Danyluk • Derek Chang • Paul Sangha • Jason Lim • Leon • G Mod • Clifford Reynolds • Harry Ma • Hockeyfan44 • Duffman604 • JT Miller • Kevin Choy • adamlee007 • Cliff Lewis • Jay Bockhodt • Brian Gogolin • Jeremy Pascua • Brian Desjarlais • Jaskaran Cumo • Japon4 • Chris Seifried


  1. I’m sick of people defending Thatcher Demko. He is sucking this year and it’s time he pulled his head out of his a55 and started stealing us games like he’s capable of. That’s what this team needs is a good game by a goalie. We got that last year. Ya the turnovers and pk suck, that’s very noticable but this team deserves a good goaltending performance. Bruce Boudreau deserves it too.

  2. That 5th goal was a joke, the only goal that Demko couldn’t be faulted for. Why isn’t he benched for Martin, he gives us a better chance to win.
    Demko couldn’t steal s game for us to save his life.

  3. This team is a joke I can't watch this garbage anymore, they lose because they get out worked and put in way less effort, comes down to wanting the win more than the other team and have yet to see signs of life from this team, imagine paying money to go watch this 🤣

  4. Undisciplined effort by a handful of influential players which has become contagious. To fix this we need to get rid of those players that think they have a licence to make risky plays despite the game plan resulting in an enormous amount of giveaways every game. I’ll leave it to you to tell me who those players are that need to go.

  5. You can’t expect a normally poised, structurally sound goaltender to consistently bail you out behind a defence that is the complete opposite. What is happening is Demko is being forced to play a completely unstructured type of game due to the defence being an absolute mess- which is partly due to some forwards making stupid high risk plays, giving away the puck, and certain defence man doing the same.

  6. (*Puts his feet up, smiles then sighs) Reeeeelax people. Lol! It’s just so funny to me how rustled people get following the Canucks (especially the mainstream media) as this is what the Canuckleheads have been doing from the start, so this is what they are, why expect anything different lol. I for one get great entertainment either way – whether they do great or bad, I especially like how pissy the media gets after the losses, lol, I mean they chose their stupid job in Canuckland and then complain how hard it is to do their job lol so their misery is on them lol, and it’s that perspective that is most healthiest. But you do you, and I’ll just sit back and be entertained either way. Thank you Clay, you are one of the only ones doing an outstanding job in staying level on covering these crazy Canucks!

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