@Sabres de Buffalo

Discussion d’après-match : Vegas Golden Knights contre Buffalo Sabres – 10 novembre 2022

Les Sabres perdent : 7 – 4




  1. Icommentoncrap

    Good game for Lyubushkin tonight. Not really sure what he did tonight besides tussle with Eichel but the crowd seemed to enjoy it and were cheering BOO-sh all night, even when he wasn’t on the ice

  2. slightlyuglyboss

    He’s gonna say some punk ass shit to the media too

  3. TheFerricGenum

    Defensive play needs to be the number one priority right now. Offense putting on good pressure, and special teams clicking. But the entire defensive play by all skaters is sub par. Need to clean that up and stop giving up so many easy chances. Can’t hang eight odd man rushes on the goalie.

    We also need to stop scoring on ourselves.

  4. TheHoundofUlster

    In my life, I’ve had moments of impressive bravery and confidence.

    But some of you actually have the balls to be preaching patience and hope. Wow.

    Something something growth something something young something right direction? Maybe toss in a line criticizing upset fans as doomers?

    Yeah, as Axl put it, I think we’ve seen that movie too.

  5. TheTankWorked

    Crazy to see what happens when a great player is surrounded by a great team! Wish the Sabres would have tried it

  6. jcamp2112

    Certainly took the wind out of my sails. They almost had me believing there would be some glimmer of hope this year. I can’t even find an adjective for how I feel right now. Just absolutely gutted. The one guy we had to keep from embarrassing us as a fan base, we let him go and do exactly that. Fuck eichel for now and forever

  7. SergeantBleuCheese

    We have 3-4 ahl D playing for us right now and we’re really leaning on the play of a rookie D in power. Injury on D was going to wreck us more than others and our roster was not prepared for it

  8. jimmy_beans

    …and that’s why there’s no asses in the seats down at the barn

  9. slightlyuglyboss

    The fact we didn’t put a claim in for Mike Reilly when Fitzgerald is on our team is really pissing me off.

    I like what GMKA has done, but this team needs a gently shakeup.

  10. GuitarGuy93

    Bring back Daylight Savings Time Sabres.

  11. JitzChimp

    Goaltending is suspect.

    Defense replacements not good.

    Sticks seemed like they were made out of rubber tonight and couldn’t settle the puck down.

    Vegas is the best team in the league so really didn’t expect a win tonight, but glad we hung with them for a bit and didn’t give up. We have a team and they need to stay positive. Can’t let that doubt creep back in. They are playing well when they are having fun out there and with young teams the mistakes are going to happen. So we are now 1-1 against Jack, so can we just put that shit to bed now and move on?

  12. __WellWellWell__

    I enjoy Rob Ray making an « eruughh » sound when Eichel scored.

    Also, who were the fangirls screaming for him. Lots of screaming when he got his hattrick. Concerning.

  13. JohnnyAD23

    I can’t wait to get our defencemen back 🙁 These games have friggin sucked

  14. reddishgrape

    Now do you believe me when I said Comrie stinks?

  15. Sabres8127

    I’m not gonna be a fatalist. Sure we keep ending games on the loss column, and we played shitty against Phoenix the other night, but we have been competing with the top teams in the league. Didn’t feel like we were ever out of it against Vegas, just had some defensive break downs that cost us the game. It’s gonna tough this year cause we can see how good they are, but they need to be healthy and fill those defensive holes to win.

  16. dasokay

    The team offense is good enough to get wins, but without tightening up team defense and forechecking to keep possession alive, they no longer look like playoff contenders to me.

  17. sarcastic_man_13

    So I didn’t watch the game nor am I planning on watching the Boston game, but the one real positive from this skid for me is that Thompson is starting to put himself in that elite category. He’s the Josh Allen of the NHL.

  18. crashandwalkaway

    What did you expect tonight, regardless of the politics, facing the top standing team in the league? Blame the coach? Blame the players? Embrace your inner fair weather fan. Cast that blame. Curious to see the comments for the next game too, against the second top standing team in the league this season. Should we embrace the tank? Cast out the goalie, the coach? We didn’t get shut out. Count your blessings, see how far we’ve become, what we’re capable of and GODDAMN QUIT YER BITCHIN’

  19. krazsen

    If I wasn’t a sabres fan it would have been hilarious


    Flyers fan in here because r/Hockey is simping for the cheap drama.

    Jack Eichel is a toddler, and I will die on this hill.

  21. King-of-the-idiots69

    This is sucky, but I knew this was going to happen this year. This is going to be one of the low points, just nothing goes right, inconsistent sloppy play, they’ll show flashes of skill, score, then immediately implode. There will also be the fun highs, where we win 8 of 9 beat some rivals (leafs sens Bruins) and just look dominant. The important thing is too not lean too much to either side of “all hope is gone” and “we’re going to the playoffs”.

    My only gripes rn are with don’s personnel decisions (I’m not going to go into this ive spoken it to death) and adams not claiming Reilly. You are playing guys like fitz and clague, boosh isn’t built for big minutes either, Reilly has played top 4 minutes and was effective in them, he was free and is better than half our dmen, he could stay in there too when joki and Sammy return, no excuses to not claim him.

    Comrie isn’t the issue here, people saw his early year play and thought he was vasy, he’s not that guy and that’s fine, we aren’t paying him to be that, he’s an average tender playing behind a bad defence, he could only keep us afloat so long before the dam broke, defence is hurt and adams had a free fix and didn’t take it, disappointed in that. All in all the sabres are fine, this is the low point, the highs will come.


    Cozens and tommer were awesome tonight and I gotta hand it to mitts, he wasn’t bad flashed some of that skill, now do it consistently for once (shoutout krebs too I like his game tonight)

  22. themule0808

    How many 2v1 against us in the losing streak? We get momentum and then a 2v1 scores and it is ba k to tied or losing..

    We don’t have depth and it is showing hard.. let’s get all our starters back and keep moving forward..

    We were never a playoff team this year.. we were always a fringe team.. we started hot and got everyone hurt, long season here.. Sammy is a huge part of this team, and his contract moving forward is a steal.

  23. Granato sounded like an idiot in the post game presser when asked about Quinn, and good on that media member for having the balls to ask why we’re scratching a guy who shouldn’t be scratched. Saying being scratched is good for his development when’s he playing well is an idiotic response.


    Comrie’s sub .890 SV% on the season ain’t gonna do it. It’s starting to become a problem.

  25. Sonny_Zwack

    Cozens had two points and the power play scored. Even got a late shortie. So that’s in the ‘good’ column.
    Maybe one day this team will stop leaving Comrie out to dry [like some panties on a whore.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf83DrROOvw)

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