@Hurricanes de la Caroline

GOTTA SEE IT: Connor McDavid éblouit avec Nifty Deke et Backhand Finish

Regardez l’attaquant des Oilers d’Edmonton Connor McDavid se faufiler à travers les défenses des Hurricanes de la Caroline avec un deke habile avant de tirer un revers dans le coin supérieur devant le gardien de but Pyotr Kochetkov pour marquer son 15e but de la saison en tête de la ligue.


  1. Too bad he has to carry the oilers and they stink so bad they cant even win when he does superhuman things like this

  2. I was all for Giving Cambell a 2nd start in a row after his best performance of the year but this guy is just not #1 goalie material.
    I hate to say that because I like jack.
    Skinner is our #1

  3. Now if he had more than one worth while teammate, the oilers might’ve won this game. Or at least not been dummied.

  4. Here’s McChicken heading for the net shoots and scores even though we’re bound to get our asses whooped by the Hurricanes who were out to rock us like a hurricane who cares whenever the McJesus our sacred million dollar golden girl scores it’s a win! We’re doing this for our fallen soldier Kane and tubby Ben Stelter of course! Trade Campbell back to the leafs WE WANT THE CUP 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣💙🧡🛢🤡🤡🤡

  5. When the flames are in a seven-game losing streak and only three wins away from being the same with Edmonton is pretty sad considering they have the best player in the world

  6. Even the announcer was too stupefied to make that call properly in real time 😂

  7. I remember when he was drafted, I watched 2 30 clips of him in Jr, and thought he's Bure, Datzooks, and Hemsky all in one guy, but better. This type of clip is evidence for the idea, and is very common from him.

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