@Oilers d'Edmonton

POST-RAW | Jay Woodcroft 11.10.22

Jay parle aux médias après la défaite des Oilers contre les Hurricanes 7-2.


  1. Oilers need to score 5 -6 goals a game to win .. their defense is next to last in NHL…. its an easy OVER 6.5 a night.~ quit your day job you'll never have to work another day in your life. Just press OVER 6.5

  2. 3rd string goalie called up from the AHL has no problem against the Oilers…. same old story. This isn't a playoff team right now.

  3. We can play this broken record until about Dec. 1st. After that, if the record continues to play. The Oil are on the outside looking in come April.

    Campbell needs to earn his starts, his play is atrocious and he looks fragile. Especially on his glove hand.

    The defence is bad, and Nurse needs to stop the ill advised pinching. Why is he carrying the puck over the blue line and coughing it up time and time again. Last year, that puck goes deep followed by a hard 2-1 forecheck.

    The record is broken and the CD is skipping.

    Make some changes Holland/Woody pronto!

  4. Calm down or throw yourself off the bandwagon or whatever because this team is too good for this to continue and it won’t they’ll figure it out and then you can say I told you so. Keep your head up Oilers worry about Florida and move on.

  5. They’ve just been through something shocking and they’re most definitely stressed/could be traumatized from what happened. A teammate could have died and it could have been any one of them. Let’s get it next time ! 💪🏻

  6. Excuses excuses but without proper goaltending and defence they aren't making the playoffs. They will probably miss. Connor needs out if he wants a cup he will never win one with Edmonton

  7. "Self inflicted" is 100% right and becoming a pattern. Lol… what a Brutalization. Thx God Campbell was in and not Kosk or this would have been 18-2. Thx God Russell isn't around starfishing up saves too. Wow, his saving goals with his body was getting old as well. But back to reality.. Holloway was looking improved overall… other then the massive miscue that leads to a goal against I mean. To point out the obvious, If Campbell can't play a lot better then he has (even for the crap turnovers, loss of coverage from the forwards etc), and do it REALLY soon, they could/will in real trouble by mid DEC.

  8. Goliath is out for 4 months. Bring on the minions from Bakersfield. If anyone was wondering if Holloway can score in the NHL? Apparently we have our answer lol.
    Ref: "I wonder if this good-looking' kid they call Hollywood can score?..ok I'll make him famous…oops I guess not. Better luck next time kid".
    So what exactly kind of depth are we talking about that Jay is so proud of? I need clarification…a sink hole also has depth. lol Served up cold soup again. What do you expect no one can afford to heat their stove in Canada. Cold Stew ain't any tastier. Going to be a tough looooong winter.

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