@Flames de Calgary

Morning Embers: Malchanceux numéro 7 édition

Les Flames perdent 3-1 contre les Bruins pour leur septième défaite consécutive

[Condensed Game Here](https://youtu.be/AusPkohVEws) Prochain match : 12 novembre contre Winnipeg à 20h00 HNR



  1. locoenchilada

    If the Flames continue to play like they did the last few games, they will be just fine.

    The frustrating part as an observer is when it’s crunch time, need a goal and the 4th line hops over the boards in pure jubilation resulting in a penalty with under 5 minutes left.

    There’s something to be said of Sutter’s deployment and decisions in the last 7-games, but I’m too tired to get into that.

    The forecheck was quick last night; forcing turnovers and we played tight in the neutral zone. The results were promising. For long stretches, we were able to sustain zone time and relatively cut the flow of the Bruins neutral zone transition. Ideal Sutter hockey.

    Unfortunately, our PP was unable to generate anything of substantial worth, and taking back-to-back penalties resulted in a goal as Dube stepped out of the box from which we couldn’t recover.

    Mental mistakes are the flavour of the last 7 games. They aren’t losing because of a lack of effort. The Flames insist on making things more difficult on themselves and Sutter is doing little to help that with how he deploys his lines.

    Can’t wait til Saturday, I will be drinking in the PLs.

    Go Flames.

  2. School2Prison

    We want 12! (Losses in a row)

    We want 12! (Losses in a row)

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