@Oilers d'Edmonton

Podcast « Oilers in the soup in loss to Canes » de The Cult of Hockey

Faisons cela! Le balado Cult of Hockey. Par les fidèles et pour les fidèles, ce soir avec Bruce McCurdy et David Staples. Ils creusent dans la défaite 7-2 d’Edmonton contre les Canes de la Caroline.


  1. This team fails to understand team defence. Everyone of them is up the ice hoping that a mediocre defenceman like Nurse and Barrie can get them the puck.

  2. Too bad we got rid of Ethan Bear. He was 10x better defensively than Bouchard, Murray n Barrie. The defense needs a major overhaul. Trade Bouchard and Puljujarvi while some think they have value!

  3. If I'm the coach Campbell just bought himself 5 games on the bench. Brutal goaltending tonight

  4. Yeesh those stats David was reading about Soup were cringeworthy. Doesn’t bode well for the long term success of this team.

  5. Bouchard is a 56 who should be playing 1st pp developing his strength. Instead we are going to smash his confidence. Kulak is a 5/6 and a 4 a best. Barrie is bottom pair 5v5. Nurse is on or off. And we are developing a 6LD position. It's frign brutal. Feel better 🤣🤣🤣

  6. Forget the goaltending guys. I watched every playoff, every cup winner for the past 15 years. The Hawks won the cup with Niemi!

    The Hawks team and the Kings didn't spend alot of time in their own zone. The won battles and got the puck into the hands of their best players.
    They were on the powerplay MORE than the other team because the entire lineup played harder than the other guys.
    There defence had Keith, Seabrook, Doughty, Muzzin, Letang, Dumoulin, Etc. Etc.
    Bottom line, no contender has ever had a defense roster this poorly built.

    Our equivalent to Keith, Doughty – NOBODY
    Our equivalent to Seabrook, Muzzin – Nobody
    Our equivalent to Hjalmarsson, Martinez – Kulak, Ceci
    Our equivalent to Sopel, Mitchell – Nurse

    Nurse is a 4 at best on any of these teams.
    Barrie wouldn't make the roster.
    Bouchard (Barker) would be traded for Devon Toews
    Ceci, Kulak and Murray play the 5-6 spots with maybe Niemelainen playing 9 minutes a game.

    We need a number 1, 2 and 3 (Toews)

    The G.M. has to go after giving Nurse 9.5 million.

  7. It's often a Complete Circus in the Oilers' defensive zone (including Campbell) … when is there going to be some kind of consistency in their defensive play? (And that's not just on the young defensemen.) … Some of their forwards also need to start exploiting their scoring chances – I think they had 5 breakaway plays in tonight's game. … Consistency is severely lacking in this Oiler team … lacking to the point of ridiculous. … And the Golden Knights are now 10 points up on them – forget about challenging for 1st place in the division.

  8. This team is going nowhere with Campbell. He's is outrageously awful. 5 x $5,000,000 ,great job Holland

  9. Hoping all goes well for you boys.

    On to the hockey game.
    Soup is the worst goalie in the league.
    Holland is the reason this team won't win a cup, and connor will leave.
    Nurse and Campbell 14.25m

  10. I don't understand why the coach didn't start Chris Skinner, but then again I don't know if it would have made any difference tonight. The Oilers need to tighten up defensively. If they don't figure it out on defense, they will never win a Stanley Cup. It doesn't matter who plays goalie. You could have Ken Dryden back there, but if there is no defence, no goalie will do well on this team. Can the coach please reteach/teach the team how to play defence?? This team will soon be sub 500. They will lose to Florida and then lose the first two home games coming back to Edmonton.

    This team can never win more than five games in a row. Oilers should be relegated to the AHL with the mental and physical effort they put up tonight. I also think this team shouldn't be talking Stanley Cup just yet. Just figure it out on defence…..please……please.

  11. Let's give Skinner the next few games in a row and demote Campbell to Bakersfield for a while to work on his game. I think this is who Campbell is…..he is never going to find his groove.

  12. Weak in the corners in our and their end. Carolina gets pucks quick. We run around like idiots in our end waiting for S___ to happen. Lets not mention the Goal tending oof.

  13. so what's worse, pull Campbell after 3-1 goal and put skinner in so you might have a chance of the 2 points or leave him in for the 7 goals which probably will put him mentally and emotionally destroyed for HOW LONG???? Isn't the two points a better goal? tough love time for coach!!!!

  14. The biggest issue with Soup is between his ears. Other than a two month stretch with the Leafs, Campbell is no where near a $5M goalie.

  15. The amount of time Svechnikov had at the side of the net to complete his hatty is embarrassing, and even after he scored there was still no one near him!

  16. Why isnt Ryan Murray a better hockey player? 2nd overall pick. It shocks me

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